Monday, September 16, 2019

Child Observation Study Essay

1.) Describe the child’s physical appearance. Short and chunky, about 2 feet tall, around 25 pounds, stubby arms and legs, and soft, short curly hair and a small beautiful smile 2.) Give examples of gross motor skills that you observe. Are they age-typical? She walks, runs, and crawls fine. She doesn’t grasp objects very well and she likes shaking them. She needs help climbing and she likes hanging on things. 3.) Give example of fine motor that you observe. Are they age-typical? She plays and grasps almost anything she can get her hands on. The mother then feeds her bread and the child attempts to feed herself but the bread had crumbled in her hand. Then the mother gives her a twist top bottle of Gatorade and the child was able to twist it open and drink from it without spilling. 4.) How does the child move? Does he/she appear comfortable with his/her physical abilities? Give examples. She tugs on her clothes a lot and the pigtails on her head. She seems to pick at her sandals as if their a bit too rough to walk in. the sandals are so uncomfortable that she runs like a robot. 5.) Does the child demonstrate preference of â€Å"handedness†? (left/right) She scribbles and reaches best with her right hand 6.) Would you evaluate the child to be with in average range for physical/motor development in his age group? Why or why not? According to â€Å"The gross and fine motor development in the first 2 years† she is accurately in average range of her motor skills. She is capable of performing all actions on the chart. Her abilities show that she is a good visualizer. Social/ Emotional Development 1.) How does the child relate to other people? Give example if interactions with family, friends, teacher, ect. The child reacts to the grandmothers call more responsive then the mothers call. With other people the child id indifferent. She smiles and approaches other children with curiosity. 2.) How does the child express his/her emotions? Give examples. The child expresses an alerted face when she knows something is wrong, for example, her mother spilled juice on her pants and the child stared at the mess with concern. When she is not allowed to explore she become sad and cries but does not fuss. 3.) How did the child communicate his/her wants/or needs? She stretches out her hands or points towards the object she wants or she will touch her bottom indicating her needs a diaper change. 4.) In what stage is the child according to Erikson? How do you know? Quote your text. According to Erikson’s chart the child is in the Autonomy vs Shame and doubt. From my observation the child is accurately developing within that stage. Cognitive Development 1.) In what stage is the child according to Piaget? How do you know? Give examples of the behaviors that reflect the child’s cognitive growth. According to Piagets chart the child is developing within the sensorimotor stage. Accurately enough the child shows the curiosity of feeling and tasting things 2.) How does the child use language? Give examples of the language used. Indicate such characteristics such as vocabulary, sentence structure, body language, and Pronunciations. Etc. The child words are not yet clear but she estimately knows about 6 words correctly. She can say mama and aba (grandmother). She says â€Å" tata â€Å" when she wants the sippy cup. She also says â€Å"amm† for when she wants food. 3.) How did those around the child respond to the child’s use of language? Was the child understood? Other children don’t understand her but go along by smiling and giggling. They will fight with her if she is taking away something that they had first. 4.) Describe in a short sentence of the child’s play, describing what you observed. In what way is he/she getting information about the world? When something comes up she looks at the mother or grandmother for a response. If one of them isn’t present the child will respond her own way or just leave and find her mother or grandmother. Resources: Eisner Pediatric and family medical center

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