Thursday, September 19, 2019

Brave New World :: essays papers

Brave New World Imagine living in a society where there is no such thing as mothers or fathers, where you look exactly like the 500 people standing next to you, where casual sex and drug use is not only allowed, but is encouraged. Well, the society in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, is just that. While the prophecies from the Brave New World society are quite different from those of today, they can be argued as both right and wrong, but , and the technology to make them happen may be just around the corner. The society of the Brave New World is quite different from ours, with their lack of spirituality proving that point. â€Å"The pleasure-seeking society pursues no spiritual experiences or joys, preferring carnal ones. The lack of religion that seeks a true transcendental understanding helps ensure that the masses of people, upper and lower classes, have no reason to rebel† . Another main difference, is the absence of mothers and fathers, and the technology that makes it possible. â€Å"Brave New World is a futuristic society designed by genetic engineering, and controlled by neural conditioning with mind-altering drugs and manipulative media. It predestines human embryos to certain levels of intelligence, and chemically does away with the concept of old age†. Today, the technology is simply not available to create hundreds of humans from the same egg. Yet another prophecy that differs greatly from those of today, is the use of soma and casual sex. In today’s soc iety both of these things are frowned upon greatly. However, in the brave new world, they are promoted. The prophecies promoted in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, are quite different from those promoted in today’s society. Even though the new society digresses greatly from today’s, were the ideas promoted really all that bad? It could be argued either way. One side may argue that there is nothing really wrong with continuously physically pleasuring yourself. After all, if â€Å"everybody belongs to everybody else†, there would be a lot less fighting. If technology did not allow for any of the consequences associated with drugs, then what would be so wrong about them? What if you did not have to go through life behaving yourself, because the concept of having to get into heaven simply did not exist. Would it not be nice to not have to deal with all the pain and grieving death brings, to be able to simply accept it and move on?

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