Monday, September 30, 2019


Summary McDonald’s announced last week that calories of all its food will start showing on in-store menu boards. The question is why McDonald’s did this so fast. (DM) Even it is part of President Obama’s health-care law in next two years. (EMP) In this transparency age, Companies that are open and honest get rewarded for it, even if they are not perfect. Those that try to hide negative things will be slammed. (SRB) Nowadays, consumer wants companies which is honest and open, it means the band names are much important than the quality and price of their products.It is important that corporations show the details of their products such as where they made, how to made, what material is used. Customers view the companies being transparency and honest. Regarding to McDonald’s decision making, it show their product details can let their customers consider whether these foods are unhealthy. Customers can choose the foods base on their favorite, calories and the t aste of foods. McDonald’s demonstrate their social responsibility to people and being more popular. As some small companies easier to afford human personality, they were benefit in the court of public opinion.McDonald’s is one of the company haven’t get this concept once; they try to avoid publicity and disclosure. But they try to make public themselves nowadays. Before they implement this policy, they lack of transparency. So, they provoke a lot of online blogs and postings form anti-McDonald’s activists. They publicize McDonald’s good is a main reason why children obese. After they make public their calories, more people reduce to talk about their rumor. According to the article â€Å"McDonald's Enters the Age of Transparency† Posted by: Larry Popelka on September 18, 2012 from Bloomberg Business week.The McDonald’s announced last week that calories of all its food will start showing on in-store menu boards. in this case, it involve three management theories ; concepts. First, in view of the management environment concept, there are a changing of environment which McDonald's need to respond. Consumer wants companies which is honest and open in this transparency age. It is important that corporations show the details of their products such as where they made, how to made, what material is used. Second, is the social responsibility concept. McDonald’s increase their transparency.In order to, they clarify the rumor from public. The rumor include their products is the main reason why most of children have child abuse problem. They append the food label on the food packing. The aims of it is hope the public understand the element of the food. Finally, based on the decision making concept, the anti-McDonald's groups whose publicize its goods is a main reason why children obese is the threats of McDonald's, so they need to respond to it by analyzing options, and making determinations about specific courses of action. By following concept, these are the implications of McDonald's on management aspects.

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