Monday, September 30, 2019


Summary McDonald’s announced last week that calories of all its food will start showing on in-store menu boards. The question is why McDonald’s did this so fast. (DM) Even it is part of President Obama’s health-care law in next two years. (EMP) In this transparency age, Companies that are open and honest get rewarded for it, even if they are not perfect. Those that try to hide negative things will be slammed. (SRB) Nowadays, consumer wants companies which is honest and open, it means the band names are much important than the quality and price of their products.It is important that corporations show the details of their products such as where they made, how to made, what material is used. Customers view the companies being transparency and honest. Regarding to McDonald’s decision making, it show their product details can let their customers consider whether these foods are unhealthy. Customers can choose the foods base on their favorite, calories and the t aste of foods. McDonald’s demonstrate their social responsibility to people and being more popular. As some small companies easier to afford human personality, they were benefit in the court of public opinion.McDonald’s is one of the company haven’t get this concept once; they try to avoid publicity and disclosure. But they try to make public themselves nowadays. Before they implement this policy, they lack of transparency. So, they provoke a lot of online blogs and postings form anti-McDonald’s activists. They publicize McDonald’s good is a main reason why children obese. After they make public their calories, more people reduce to talk about their rumor. According to the article â€Å"McDonald's Enters the Age of Transparency† Posted by: Larry Popelka on September 18, 2012 from Bloomberg Business week.The McDonald’s announced last week that calories of all its food will start showing on in-store menu boards. in this case, it involve three management theories ; concepts. First, in view of the management environment concept, there are a changing of environment which McDonald's need to respond. Consumer wants companies which is honest and open in this transparency age. It is important that corporations show the details of their products such as where they made, how to made, what material is used. Second, is the social responsibility concept. McDonald’s increase their transparency.In order to, they clarify the rumor from public. The rumor include their products is the main reason why most of children have child abuse problem. They append the food label on the food packing. The aims of it is hope the public understand the element of the food. Finally, based on the decision making concept, the anti-McDonald's groups whose publicize its goods is a main reason why children obese is the threats of McDonald's, so they need to respond to it by analyzing options, and making determinations about specific courses of action. By following concept, these are the implications of McDonald's on management aspects.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Management of the BLM’s Public Lands System

The government has control of over one-third of the nation's land, and 398 million acres of that is controlled by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM 6). This land holds a wide diversity of resources, from timber and grazing lands found on the surface, to a mass of oil, natural gas, and minerals lying below the earth. The history of these lands is hardly a dull story, because it is the story of the taming of the â€Å"Wild West†. Should the BLM though, still be controlling these lands under the same laws that were put in affect to establish the â€Å"Western frontier†? I feel that a radical reevaluation of these laws needs to take place, in order to adapt them to the changing demographic and technological advancements of our society. This topic is of importance to park and recreation professionals because it will directly effect how the lands that they are using for parks, are going to be used. The laws that are remaining are allowing companies to hurt the land, which is against the mission statement of the BLM. The BLM mission statement says, â€Å"the Bureau is responsible for the balanced management of the public lands and resources and their various values so that they are considered in a combination that will best serve the American people. Management is based upon the principles of multiple use and sustained yield; a combination of uses that takes into account the long-term needs of future generations for renewable and nonrenewable resources. These resources include recreation, land, timber, minerals, watershed, fish and wildlife, wilderness, and natural, scenic, scientific and cultural values† (BLM 7). Therefore by allowing these old laws to remain they are pulling away from their mission statement. Throughout the 80's the Bureau of Land Management developed a host of programs and emphasized a number of others – outdoor recreation, wildlife and fisheries, toxic materials management, and wetland enhancement, to name a few – but there are still many problems that must be addressed. Due to the increasing demand for outdoor recreation, there has been an overcrowding in our local, state, and national parks. There is a demand for BLM to do more in outdoor recreation. Eight of the 10 states with the highest population growth between 1970 and 1980 were states with substantial acreages of public lands administered by the BLM (BLM 12). The visitation to those lands has increased nearly three-fold in the past 20 years, and there is an expected increase of between 40 and 60 percent by the year 2000 (BLM 12). The amount of people that visit our park system each year is having a profound effect on the ecosystem of the parks. An ecosystem can only absorb the effects of a small number of man-made facilities on it. The number of large complexes that the public wants in their parks has effects that extend beyond there immediate boundaries. Yellowstone Park has to dispose of nearly 7,000 tons of garbage every year (Houston 3). The BLM needs to expand efforts to maintain facilities to protect public investments and the health and safety of the visiting public. In addition to providing additional facilities with Federal funding and private sector concessions to meet the growing outdoor recreation demands. This would allow more destinations for the public that are seeking an outdoor experience, causing the crowding to become less dense because the users would be more widely distributed. Setting more public lands aside for parks would preserve that land for the future. Seeing that a park on BLM lands would require a greater on-the-ground presence, to monitor its use. A problem that is closely related to that of outdoor recreation is providing a suitable habitat for the large diversity of animals that live on the BLM's Public Lands System. Many of these animals are available to the hunter, trapper and fisherman; some are threatened or endangered; most contribute to the pleasure of wildlife viewing; all contribute to the ecological diversity of the Public Land System (BLM 14). With so much land under the control of the BLM, the bureau manages more wildlife habitat than any other agency or group in the United States. The wide diversity of lands that is under their control supports over 3,000 species of animals and an untold number of plants and invertebrate species. Public lands, wildlife and fisheries resources are important to the American Economy. For instance, during the 1985-1986 season, over 5 million hunter use days occurred, with hunters spending an estimated $145,000,000. As for fishing, there where over 3 million days at an estimated $55,000,000 spent by fishers (BLM 14). Wildlife also contributed to enjoyment of the public lands for millions of campers, hikers, photographers and other users. These users spent over 230 million hours on the public lands ands waters during the 1985-1986 season. The money put into the system by these users was estimated at around $200,000,000. Surely the economic value of wildlife can be seen, but there is also an indescribable intrinsic value that can be given to them to. Nevertheless improving habitat for wildlife improves more than just the wildlife; it helps out the whole ecosystem. For instance, wetland habitat improvements for wildlife also improve water flow and water quality for downstream users. Vegetative manipulation projects intended to improve big game forage also improve livestock forage and watershed conditions. So it should be easily seen that habit improvements for the sake of wildlife would be not only a profitable change, but also an environmentally sound change. Another change that needs to occur on Federal Lands is a change of the General Mining Law of 1872 that was passed while the West was still being settled The 1872 mining law opens most public lands for mining if prospectors find gold, silver, copper or other valuable hard rock mineral deposits. The laws' goal was to encourage the region's development. Congress offered public lands for the taking by the enterprising homesteader, stockmen, miners and loggers (Arrandale 531). The frontier closed a century ago, but the law still remains. On May 16, 1994 Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt was forced by the mining law to sell 1,949 acres of federal lands in Nevada to a Canadian-based mining company. The land that was sold held a gold supply of an estimated $10 billion. Surely the deeply indebted United States Government would prosper from a sale of that much gold, but by law the government was forced to sell it for $5 and acre. The government received less then $10,000 for the deal (Arrandale 531). In relation to the mining law the government does not require the miners to restore the mined site once the minerals are gone. Which in turn would prevent wastes from polluting surrounding lands and nearby streams. Former Interior Secretary Stewart L. Udall says, † The hard rock mining industry has traditionally been able to ‘externalize' costs, as economist say, simply by abandoning its played-out mines rater then reclaiming them† (Arrandale 534). The fact that there is 500,000 abandoned mines, proves the last statement is true. These mines are polluting 32 states because of the use of the new â€Å"heap leaching† technology that uses cyanide solutions to extract gold from ore. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now spending $40,000 a day to control cyanide leaking from a Summitville, Colorado gold mine that a mining company abandoned (Arrandale 534). I feel that the United States Government needs to amend the mining law, so that it can address some of the previously mentioned problems. I feel that companies should be allowed to remove viable minerals but they should have regulations placed on them. The U. S. Supreme Court and state courts have upheld state regulations of oil and gas operations to prevent waste (Kusler 147). Since minerals are of a fixed supply I feel that they should be regulated for future use. The mines that do extract a predetermined amount of minerals would also be required to restore the sight back to the natural state of the land, before mining was started. Not only would they be required to return the surface of the land, but also the underlying ground, so as it is not polluted. But they would not receive this land for a mere $5 and acre, I propose that they be charged a certain percentage of the gold removed as rent for the land, for as long as they mine the land. Upon incorporation of all of these laws, which none of the current mines would be exempt from, I feel there would be a reduction of mines. With less mines mineral supplies would be preserved, and the price of minerals would go up, returning profit to the remaining mines, and supporting the government. Another area of the land managed by the BLM is rangeland. Since rangelands account for nearly 162 million acres of public land, the nation's rangelands are a vast source of renewable resources. Among many other values the range supports about 4 million head of livestock. Which is an important element in the economic well being of many rural communities and the almost 20,000 operators who depend on public land grazing to support them. The public principally sees BLM as manager of the public rangelands. The approval from the public for the BLM then is mostly related to their management of the grazing lands. Support for the BLM is based on the management and conditions of the rangelands that are under their control. So the BLM sets below-market livestock grazing fees and loose federal regulations of how ranchers manage sheep and cattle on public lands. Ranchers now pay $1. 98 per â€Å"animal unit month†(AUM)- enough forage to feed one cow and a calf, five sheep or a horse for a month. On the other hand, privately owned ranges in the West, leased for nearly five times that amount, an average of $9. 25 per AUM (Arrandale 534). Having fees this low gives an incentive for the rancher to put more animals out to graze on the deteriorating land. Why graze one cow on private land, when you can graze at least four on government land? Why should the ranchers care is they are destroying the public lands when they can move to a more productive spot when their land is destroyed? Because of this, taxpayers spend millions of dollars subsidizing the damage of public lands. Clearly, grazing does belong on public lands, because if done correctly you are simply harvesting a natural renewable resource. But when you allow money hungry cattle ranchers to graze as many cattle as they please, you begin destroying the land. So I feel that there should be an environmental assessment of the grazing lands, to determine a sustainable AUM for the land, to insure there is no further damage sustained by the land. Once this is determined, you can charge them a fair price that is competitive with the price of private land. This way the government could produce more revenue for it self, while again protecting the land. These are just a few of the changes that need to occur on the public lands. However, for an overall solution the government needs to redefine it's older laws, so that they can have better control over public lands. Included with the changing of the laws would be a price increase for the resources that the government is basically, at the present time, giving away. When this occurs, it may help with the huge debt of the country, and by different means than taxing the common people of the country. This would require the rich mining companies, to actually pay for the gold that they are removing from the ground. With all these regulations in place, and strict guidelines to the extent of extraction of natural resources, the environment, and ecosystems will improve.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Internet forum should be more strictly controlled for the entries Essay

Internet forum should be more strictly controlled for the entries because internet forum can encourage harmful and misleading news - Essay Example Therefore, there is need to control the internet forums by imposing strict regulations on its usage. However, controlling the internet forum may attract criticism as people may feel that this is one of the laws limiting the public freedom, which the constitution grants. In reality, Internet forum should be more strictly controlled for the entries because internet forum can encourage harmful and misleading news. Internet forums refer to any forms of internet channels that are responsible for providing information to the access of the public. They may include any official internet news sites or even social networks that provide information to the public. The issue of controlling the internet forums is a concept that has for long drawn attention from many scholars. Controlling internet forums refers to the imposition of strict measures against its abuse in providing information. In the era of internet technology, many internet forums have emerged, making it entirely a big challenge to control the information that is relayed through these channels. While there is evidence that these forums are informative, it is clear that they can be used to relay raw information that may be untruthful, hurtful or even misleading. Misleading information refers to any material facts that may influence negatively the reaction of the people or even bring about a controversy. However, several policies have been p ut into place as a control mechanism for internet use. For instance, â€Å"regulations would force Internet companies to apply for a license if theyre running a microblog or forum† (Shalvey 1). Due to the sensitivity of information, it is crucial that every information that is relayed through these channels be reliable and truthful. Misleading information may have far reaching effects to the receiver or even to the world. In many occasion, the news items report different information, putting people in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Is Socrates right to claim that vengeance is always wrong Essay

Is Socrates right to claim that vengeance is always wrong - Essay Example Socrates explained what is a virtue and reasons why people do evil or bad things (Bensen, 1992). Socrates preferred to maintain his integrity and decided to answer to charges of impiety and corrupting Athenian youths (Colaiaco, 2013). Socrates was not angry with the jurors and his arguments in the apology demonstrated that death should not be used as deterrence to philosophy since no man has true knowledge of death. After listening to Crito, Socrates refuses to escape since he believes it would be unjust to his reputation and those of his children. Thesis statement: Socrates is right to claim that vengeance is wrong. Socrates debates on whether it is right or wrong to injure or harm another person in retaliation for wrongs committed. According to Socrates, vengeance is wrong and escaping would amount to retaliation thus his escape would be wrong (Bensen, 1992). Socrates goes further to argue that one must never willingly commit wrongs notwithstanding the circumstances (Weiss, 1998). In addition, one must not do wrong even when wronged and therefore vengeance is wrong. Socrates Elenchus clearly argues against Homeric traditions that justice should be repaid by harming enemies. Socrates argues for a good life by comparing a healthy body with a healthy soul and claiming that life would not be worthy living if the higher part of man is destroyed by injustice (Crito 47e). Accordingly, Socrates points out doing wrong or vengeance is evil and dishonourable thus human beings must not do any wrong. Socrates clarifies that doing injustice is even worst for oneself than being subjected to it (Gorgias 469c- 522e) since those who do injustice make their souls worse. In this argument, Socrates demonstrates that if one treats you unjustly, will leave your soul unaffected thus this is a less harm compared to the harm that the unjust man suffers himself. I conquer that Greek precept of aiding one’s friends and harming one’s enemies amount to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Crowdsourcing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Crowdsourcing - Research Paper Example This paper analyzes the term â€Å"crowdsourcing† and its various aspects. This paper will discuss the pros and cons of crowdsourcng, features of crowdsourcing, components of crowdsourcing, crowdsourcing process elements, economic benefits of crowdsourcing and the ways where crowdsourcing is being implemented within various disciplines. CrowdSourcing: An overview The word crowdsourcing is basically concerned with the performance of a business or organization completing a task which is formerly carried out by its own employees and subcontracting or outsourcing it to an indeterminate (as well as usually big) system of community as an open call. This is able to acquire the type of peer creation (as the task is carried out jointly), although is as well frequently assumed by exclusive persons. However, the decisive condition is the utilization of the open invitation system and the huge system of prospective employees. To some extent crowdsourcing is perceived as a word which is eas y to interpret, but identifying the significance of the 2 words those usually form the term i.e. crowd and sourcing and it does not actually clarify its implication. In simple words, ‘crowdsourcing refers to the sourcing or extracting somewhat from a crowd or community, or somewhat that it manages outsourcing, that is eventually a right meaning. Moreover, crowdsourcing is an attractive trend that most of the businesses can apply to increase the efficiency of their functions or operations those would usually be managed through internal sources. Some of these functions comprise design/devising, software programs and product solutions, to study the progress policies of the companies... This essay stresses that the word crowdsourcing is basically concerned with the performance of a business or organization completing a task which is formerly carried out by its own employees and subcontracting or outsourcing it to an indeterminate system of community as an open call. This is able to acquire the type of peer creation, although is as well frequently assumed by exclusive persons. However, the decisive condition is the utilization of the open invitation system and the huge system of prospective employees. As the report declaress to some extent crowdsourcing is perceived as a word which is easy to interpret, but identifying the significance of the 2 words those usually form the term i.e. crowd and sourcing and it does not actually clarify its implication. In simple words, ‘crowdsourcing refers to the sourcing or extracting somewhat from a crowd or community, or somewhat that it manages outsourcing, that is eventually a right meaning. Moreover, crowdsourcing is an attractive trend that most of the businesses can apply to increase the efficiency of their functions or operations those would usually be managed through internal sources. Some of these functions comprise design/devising, software programs and product solutions, to study the progress policies of the companies. Crowdsourcing formulates the easy listening of ideas or inspirations. Placing an idea is rapid and easy task to do. Excluding electing, we are able to as well add to a plan by stating it more precisely.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Art- Principles of Design Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Art- Principles of Design - Term Paper Example This paper will first discuss Luis Barragan’s Torri Satellites in the context of Modernist architecture. Then it will proceed to Benvenuto Cellini’s metal sculpture of the salt-cellar for King Francis I, created during the Renaissance period. Finally, the essay will turn its focus on Albrecht Durer’s metal craft entitled, Melencolia I created during the Italian Renaissance movement. Luis Barragan is one of the most renowned architects due to his firm devotion to modernism of the 20th century. Given this primary devotion to a new feat in the history of architecture, it can be said that Barragan’s philosophical leaning when it comes to the context of his field is towards the propagation of this new movement in architecture. It is with such philosophy that his works are transformed into structures of simplicity, elegance and unorthodoxy- one that is very new to the eyes of the people. Barragan is one of those who revolutionized the Modern Movement which began in the 1920s. The architect shares the same approach to this new phase of architecture with his colleagues like Lina Bo Bardi, Jose Antonio Coderch, Fernando Tavora, and Jorn Utzon (UNESCO 144). In 1957, Luis Barragan created his memorable piece, the Torri Satellites, which became well-known in the world. A joint-effort between him, the painter Jesus Reyes Ferreira and the sculptor Mathias Goeritz catapulted Barragan into the international line-up of architects and making him a recipient of the prestigious Pritzker Prize for Architecture in1980. The epitome of the Modern Movement of architecture is ever present in Luis Barragan’s Torri Satellites. This 4-piece structure is erected in a high class zone; each piece is a symbolism of utter simplicity because of its simple triangular cylinder. This is very modernist in nature – the very style that explains Luis Barragan’s talent for architecture. Also, the color of each tower patterned in primary shades of red, blu e and yellow with the addition of a simple white for the last tower all explain how the concept of the Modern Movement caters minimalism in its designs (Ulloa 4). Going back several centuries in the annals of art history, Benvenuto Cellini was an exceptional goldsmith who surpassed the precepts of metal craft and was transformed into a painter and sculptor, thus a full-bred Italian artist of the early Renaissance period. All of Cellini’s mastery, his high class metal crafts and his intricate designs as both sculptor and painter, can be seen in a single work that he had created for King Francis I of France, the famous salt-cellar. It is in this salt-cellar that one can see the intricacy of Cellini’s style and the careful use of iconography as part of his designs. The salt-cellar for Francis I was one to be considered as Cellini’s exceptional works because the piece of art was a small-scale figure. The tight attention to detail and the symbolism attributed thereof was the highlight of Cellini’s masterpiece. The minute scale of Cellini’s piece was not a hindrance for his artistic capabilities to show. The salt-cellar for Francis I was a perfect example of the fusion of pre-Renaissance to the Renaissance precepts of art. Pre-Renaissance focused on the material value of an object which gives it the proper indication for social status. Renaissance, on the other hand, focused on the artistic value of an object. Cellini’

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Allegory of good and bad government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Allegory of good and bad government - Essay Example While depicting scenes from everyday life, Lorenzetti skillfully uses allegory to depict government and the effect it has on life of its people. Lorenzetti illustrates Justice, in  Allegory of Good Government, sitting under the presence of wisdom. She is represented by a woman who holds scales of balance to give out rewards or mete out punishments. The figure of Justice bares resemblance of Mary, a patron saint of Siena, also dresses in Siena’s black and white colors to also represent the Common Good and God. The Common Good figure is surrounded with different virtues, by which Lorenzetti clearly highlights the necessity for all society to believe and act for justice and impartiality to rule a city well. The three figures in  Good Government  symbolize the key virtues of faith, hope, and charity. They soar over the head of the sovereign of good government, a man dressed like a king and sitting on a throne. This royal figure is the way Lorenzetti physically creates a hear t of good government—a heart of common good. In this wisdom, he makes an unspoken equivocation between an authoritative yet kind central sovereign and the accomplishment of the common good.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Wireless and Mobile Technologies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wireless and Mobile Technologies - Assignment Example Basically, one can develop a mobile technology on mobile technology on a mobile device or on a computer to develop another mobile technology. For example, WAP is a mobile technology, and so are the mobile applications and SMS and mobile websites etc. These technologies are utilized by organizations in different ways so as to improve their efficiency. They are utilized by organizations so as to realize an unprecedented connectivity level between employees, customers, and/or vendors. Employees are able to download applications on their phones that enable them to connect via social media like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, or the organization may utilize web-site based applications so as to facilitate for direct communication with their customers in different ways. Real-time communication in very important in realizing business benefits, like improved customer service, efficient use of staff time, and a range of products and services delivered (Smyth, et al. 2004). Because of the interactive nature of these technologies, organizations are able to get urgent feedback on products and services from their customers through sharing of information through this medium.Rapid development and business research are some of the results of efficient wireless communication technology. Besides, it offers a competitive advantage to firms in their different industries hence increased productivity and quality of output. In this respect, consumer community is also made to have a feeling of having a direct role in the development of a company. Mobile technology introduced fresh ways of product promotion and advertisements. There are apps incorporated in the mobile phones which enhance people’s awareness on various goods and services and market trends which effectively offer companies platform to promote diverse brands. Besides, prospective customers are able to read the required information by the individual on his/her mobile phone and it

Sunday, September 22, 2019

English Showbag Essay Example for Free

English Showbag Essay RevengeoftheSithGood morning Panel of marketing managers of the royal Easter show. My name is Daniel Koh and I am a representative of POT productions . Today i will be talking about how you the panel should endorse our Starwars A new Hope showbag in the 2009 Royal Easter Show The showbag our company has created contains 5 various yet original items from the Movie Star wars a new hope which will entice the young consumer preferably aged 6-10 to buy our showbag. The first item in our showbag represents the heroes of the film star wars. The hero is obviously luke skywalker but because of the other hero figures in the movie such as princess leia, han solo, ben Kenobi and R2-D2 that help Luke fulfil his destiny, we have created a Star Wars trading card game containing all the heroes from the movie as each and every one of them all have different yet important roles to contribute in the destruction of the death star. The Cards have an image of a hero from the movie and also gives a brief description about the character. Certain cards have a force meter and a defence meter whilst others have a special effect when played on the spacefield. The second item in our showbag represents the evil/dark side of the film star wars. The villain we have chosen to represent the dark side is darth vader. As seen in the Movie StarWars A new hope we can see The dark lord himself strangling one of his officers whilst inside the death star using the powers of the dark side of the force. This scene sums up what kind of character darth vader is and how much control he has over the dark side of the force. Thus to depict this image the 3rd prop we have created to portray Darth Vader, we have created the Glove of darth vader. This prop will be a hit with the younger viewers of the starwars movies as it actually feels like the user of this prop is know filled with darth vaders power and chaotic force. Luke’s starwars journey is basically luke’s inner emotional journey from being a simple farmer boy and then somehow to evolve into a young jedi knight. He accomplishes this by facing new challenges and experiences that he has never dealt with before. So to potray this image to our younger viewers of starwars, the fourth item we have created to depict lukes journey is a map which shows all the areas luke and his companions have flown to. The item will be a smash with the younger audience as they will know a little bit about the different planets they companions adventured to. The Good Vs Evil Theme is portrayed in virtually every modern movie. In the starwars movie though, the constant battles between the jedi and the sith is portrayed as the good vs evil theme. Because of this The starwars universe is basically split in half, One side supports the practices of the sith whilst the other supports the practices of the jedi. So to make the younger audience aware of the message we are trying to send to them, the fifth item we have created was a heart. Painted half black and half gold. And contained inside are 2 lightsabers 1 blue one red engaged in battle. The heart represents the universe whilst the 2 lightsabers contained inside resemble the constant everlasting battle between the jedi and the sith. To conclude members of the panel, I ask you: Isn’t it fair to let every child live their star wars dream? Their fantasy and imagination? I believe we lol productions have the edge to give children the starwars showbags they desire.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nuclear Weapons Essay Example for Free

Nuclear Weapons Essay Nuclear weapons are the most critical technology ever developed. In Japan, which suffered nuclear holocaust in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is a deep desire for nuclear ending that derives from its personal experience of the terrible harm caused by nuclear weapons. In fact, more than 95% of the dead at Nagasaki and Hiroshima were civilians. Only 4.4% of the death charge was made up of military workers. In the New York Times September 5, 1945, the dishonesty was that the victims had suffered no radiation damage. The bombs killed as many as 80,000 people in Nagasaki and 140,000 people in Hiroshima by the end on end of 1945, with approximately half of those deaths happening on the days of the bombings. No family would like to suffer and see people suffering because of the nuclear weapons being used. Innocent parents, kids, babies, and many others die on the streets because of the nuclear weapons being used for a futile reason. There are better ways to settle things rather than make an easy way out for them. Bombing each other won’t make a difference except the deaths of hundred innocent people. If people want to settle things they need to talk face-to-face not hurt others that don’t even know what’s happening in the world, leave those innocent people alone and go kill each other somewhere else. If people really think violence is the answer than they are wrong because there are many legends that made a difference in this world without violence like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin L uther King, ect. In fact, violence merely increases hate The U.S dropped the bomb on Hiroshima because they wanted to end the war. In Japan it was shameful to surrender, so they did not think invading would do any good. Plus they wanted to minimize U.S casualties. Yet this does not seem to be enough to make up a successful argument for a world free of nuclear weapons. Nuclear ending, in difference, tends to be small within the type of weapons linked to general safety. It is not seen as an honest and global human issue. To succeed, the nuclear removal group must be brought into a wider field of peoples thinking. However, there is a remarkable difference between instruments limiting nuclear weapons and those regarding other classes of weaponry. We also need to fully clear how the world today is unclear by the habit of gun worldwide relations, the most well-known example of which has been the threat to use nuclear weapons. The point is that the atomic bombs and a U.S invasion were both unnecessary to end WWII. With no navy, no air force, getting beaten by the Chinese, and their people starving, Japan was basically defeated by 1945. From a military point of view, the atomic bombs were simply unjustified and not needed to end the war and get a Japanese surrender. Unless you have the same opinion with war crimes and disagree with our top allied military commanders of WWII, you cannot possibly see the use of atomic bombs as justified. The decision to use atomic bombs was simply militarily unnecessary and a total disregard for human life. It is an absolute joke that there are actually people in the US who believe the atomic bombs saved lives. It never saved lives or ended the war. The other non-nuclear option, of course, would have been to simply defend Japan and starve the Japanese people into surrender. However, as the attack planners considered the population would be devotedly aggressive, there would pr obably have been an enormous death charge before the Japanese give out. Whether both were necessary will always be questionable, but they provide to help bring to an ending a terrible war that threatened entire world peace and freedom.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Growing Problem Behind Sexual Deviance

The Growing Problem Behind Sexual Deviance Once a taboo entity, only found in seedy movie theaters and sold behind closed doors, pornography has now become increasingly more visible and accessible to the public. Today, the access of pornography is as simple as a few clicks of a computer mouse, and those clicks afford the viewer a vast collection of sites and images that would otherwise be unavailable without technology or the media. With this accessibility comes a new issue: is pornography at all to blame for sexually deviant behavior? It seems as though sexually deviant crime is taking place at unheard of rates, and the link to pornography has been cited before. However, the question of whether these crimes are on the rise or just hyped by the media remains to be seen. One factor that has played a part in the debate is the issue of pornography, and the link between the two seems to hold valid evidence to prove some sort of connection. How Does Pornography Affect Us? Pornography undeniable affects each person who views it in some way. Whether these individuals find the content stimulating, exciting, or disturbing is subjective, but research has shown that men, women and children have the tendency to act in a certain manner when studied in groups rather than on an individual level. Children may be the most affected group when it comes to viewing pornography, and have the tendency to shape their future actions on what they have seen. According to Dr. Catharina Welin (2006), because of the widespread availability of pornography in the media, youths are exposed to violent or bizarre sexual activities long before they have had any personal sexual experience (p. 293). In this case, children with little to no knowledge of sexual activity, having viewed such material, begin to associate sex in their own personal lives as relatable to sex in these videos or images. This can play a significant part in how this child will grow to view sex as an act, their own sexuality, and the stigmas they associate with different genders. A child who has viewed pornography, maturing into an adult who engages in his or her own sexual experience will no doubt have a different view of the act than an individual who did not view such material in childhood. Women who view pornography as adults tend to have a distaste for what they are seeing and for the porn industry in general. For most women, sexuality is considered a private matter, especially in terms of their own sexual encounters. Women prove to be more emotional about sex rather than men who are geared to view it in a more physical sense. Women tend to believe that pornography is degrading to themselves and to their gender as a whole, showing the objectification of women as mere objects for mens sexual gratification. Ann Gary (1978) notes that pornography leads to behavior and attitudes showing disrespect for women, and pornography itself shows disrespect for women (p. 232). Although some women may find pornography sexually stimulating in the bedroom, the overall stigma associated with pornography by the female gender seems to be vastly negative. Lastly, one must view how men tend to view pornography. As males tend to commit sexually deviant crimes in a far more frequent manner than women, it can be said that viewing pornography may be a factor in looking at this statistic. Men tend to see sex as an enjoyable physical release before viewing it as an emotional connection, which may attest for the way women are portrayed in most pornography as merely the attractive tool to be used in order for the man to achieve sexual gratification. Pornography and the Sexual Deviant Having looked at the ways that pornography tends to affect different groups on individuals, one can look further into the research that has been done to prove a link between pornography and the sexual deviant. Researched Michael Goldstein (1975) notes several cases of sexual deviant criminals citing the desire to commit such acts after viewing them in a pornographic film. He writes, Motorcycle films containing violence and gang bangs frequently nourished erotic dominant fantasy. As one rapist put it, Id think of some of the girls I had raped, and some of the girls that got raped in the movies during my sexual encounters. Id place myself in the villains place instead of the heros, so Id have a rough, hardened image (p. 102). The tendency of these types of men to engage in sexually deviant or criminal behavior after watching these types of films shows some relationship between the two, and the prominence of research on this correlation does much to back up the claim of relationship. Researchers Addison, Koss, and Malamuth (2000), found that exposure to nonviolent and violent pornography results in increases in both attitudes supporting sexual aggression and in actual sexual aggression (p. 44). Further, found that men who watch porn were more likely to view women as promiscuous and therefore available to them regardless of their own will. Dolf Zillman (1989) notes, Men behave as if they were entitles to sexual access with women who readily granted it to other men, and those who feel entitled can view their actions as a misdeed rather than a criminal offense against a woman (p. 100). Sociological Theories and Deviance Pornography and sexual deviance in a sociological context can be considered related as the actions and behaviors that may ensue after viewing pornography violate the culturally accepted norms of sexuality and can lead to going against formally enacted-rules of the government in terms of sexually deviant criminal activity. Of all the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology, that which seems to most closely relate to the issue of pornography as a factor in sexual deviance is that of symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism places emphasis on smaller scale social interaction, which in this case can be compared to the porn industry and its customers and viewers. Herbert Blumer (1969), who coined the term symbolic interactionism noted that humans act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things (p. 45 ). In this case, this can be attributed to viewers of pornographic materials seeing the violent and deviant actions performed upon women in porn, taking these actions from the media they witness, and enacting this type of behavior in their own lives. Sociologist Darryl Hall (2009) notes that the symbolic interactionism view of sexual deviance (which can relate to the issue of porn and sexual deviance) is as follows: Symbolic interactionists suggest that the need of men to validate their sexual prowess or reaffirm their masculinity is an important factor in their seeking out pornography or prostitutes (p. 2). Such a notion can explain the rising level of sexually deviant crime in society, and can in turn associate this with the viewing of pornography as a mans need for sexual validation and masculinity. Conclusion As seen, the rise of pornography to a near norm in society has heightened the search to link the viewing of this material to sexual deviant behavior in society. Although a direct link is not conclusive, it is clear that the research in terms of this question is growing too slowly but surely supports some link between the two.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Brave New World :: essays papers

Brave New World Imagine living in a society where there is no such thing as mothers or fathers, where you look exactly like the 500 people standing next to you, where casual sex and drug use is not only allowed, but is encouraged. Well, the society in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, is just that. While the prophecies from the Brave New World society are quite different from those of today, they can be argued as both right and wrong, but , and the technology to make them happen may be just around the corner. The society of the Brave New World is quite different from ours, with their lack of spirituality proving that point. â€Å"The pleasure-seeking society pursues no spiritual experiences or joys, preferring carnal ones. The lack of religion that seeks a true transcendental understanding helps ensure that the masses of people, upper and lower classes, have no reason to rebel† . Another main difference, is the absence of mothers and fathers, and the technology that makes it possible. â€Å"Brave New World is a futuristic society designed by genetic engineering, and controlled by neural conditioning with mind-altering drugs and manipulative media. It predestines human embryos to certain levels of intelligence, and chemically does away with the concept of old age†. Today, the technology is simply not available to create hundreds of humans from the same egg. Yet another prophecy that differs greatly from those of today, is the use of soma and casual sex. In today’s soc iety both of these things are frowned upon greatly. However, in the brave new world, they are promoted. The prophecies promoted in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, are quite different from those promoted in today’s society. Even though the new society digresses greatly from today’s, were the ideas promoted really all that bad? It could be argued either way. One side may argue that there is nothing really wrong with continuously physically pleasuring yourself. After all, if â€Å"everybody belongs to everybody else†, there would be a lot less fighting. If technology did not allow for any of the consequences associated with drugs, then what would be so wrong about them? What if you did not have to go through life behaving yourself, because the concept of having to get into heaven simply did not exist. Would it not be nice to not have to deal with all the pain and grieving death brings, to be able to simply accept it and move on?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Should Quebec (or Other Provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Be

Should Quebec (or other provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect Its Constitutional Rights? In my opinion, all provinces in Canada, including Quebec should not separate. Quebec has been one of the provinces of Canada for a long period of time. Most people in the world view that it is one of the component in Canada. French-Canadian and English-Canadian seem to live together peacefully without conflict, even many people with different cultures and languages come to Canada in recent years. I thick Quebec has no reason to become independence from a multicultural nation. Some people who agree Quebec to separate state that separation can protect their French culture and language. I think it is an unacceptable reason in a multicultural nation. Multicultualism is a special identity of Canada. It allows people to maintain their own culture. If Canada does not have multiculturalism, there will be no Chinatown in most big cities in Canada. So it is not necessary to separate in order to protect French culture and language. Furthermore if French-Canadian wants to avoid any influence from other culture, France is the greatest place for them. Moreover, the Canada government will lose money if Quebec separates by dealing with the separation affairs, like to help people in Quebec back to Canada who do not want to separate. Separation also leads to the decreasing of trade in Canada, and even the whole world. Quebec is a big trade market in Canada. People will lose this big...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Psychology of Health in the Workplace Paper Essay

 · Describe the relationship between health and psychology.  · Identify specific lifestyle choices that affect health and psychology in the workplace.  · Provide examples of lifestyle choices to enhance health and prevent illness. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines Listening isn’t enough; you must also take notes. Taking notes can help you get a better grasp on the information you are hearing. This is yet another great study tip. Even if you feel like you know the information, make a habit of writing these types of notes. This file contains HCA 250 Week 1 Psychology of Health in the Workplace Paper Health Care – General Health Care Write a 500- to 700-word paper on health and psychology. Include the following:  · Describe the relationship between health and psychology.  · Identify specific lifestyle choices that affect health and psychology in the workplace.  · Provide examples of lifestyle choices to enhance health and prevent illness. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines Listening isn’t enough; you must also take notes. Taking notes can help you  get a better grasp on the information you are hearing. This is yet another great study tip. Even if you feel like you know the information, make a habit of writing these types of notes. This file contains HCA 250 Week 1 Psychology of Health in the Workplace Paper Health Care – General Health Care Write a 500- to 700-word paper on health and psychology. Include the following:  · Describe the relationship between health and psychology.  · Identify specific lifestyle choices that affect health and psychology in the workp†¦ Find needed answers here – Listening isn’t enough; you must also take notes. Taking notes can help you get a better grasp on the information you are hearing. This is yet another great study tip. Even if you feel like you know the information, make a habit of writing these types of notes. Health Care – General Health Care

Monday, September 16, 2019

Child Observation Study Essay

1.) Describe the child’s physical appearance. Short and chunky, about 2 feet tall, around 25 pounds, stubby arms and legs, and soft, short curly hair and a small beautiful smile 2.) Give examples of gross motor skills that you observe. Are they age-typical? She walks, runs, and crawls fine. She doesn’t grasp objects very well and she likes shaking them. She needs help climbing and she likes hanging on things. 3.) Give example of fine motor that you observe. Are they age-typical? She plays and grasps almost anything she can get her hands on. The mother then feeds her bread and the child attempts to feed herself but the bread had crumbled in her hand. Then the mother gives her a twist top bottle of Gatorade and the child was able to twist it open and drink from it without spilling. 4.) How does the child move? Does he/she appear comfortable with his/her physical abilities? Give examples. She tugs on her clothes a lot and the pigtails on her head. She seems to pick at her sandals as if their a bit too rough to walk in. the sandals are so uncomfortable that she runs like a robot. 5.) Does the child demonstrate preference of â€Å"handedness†? (left/right) She scribbles and reaches best with her right hand 6.) Would you evaluate the child to be with in average range for physical/motor development in his age group? Why or why not? According to â€Å"The gross and fine motor development in the first 2 years† she is accurately in average range of her motor skills. She is capable of performing all actions on the chart. Her abilities show that she is a good visualizer. Social/ Emotional Development 1.) How does the child relate to other people? Give example if interactions with family, friends, teacher, ect. The child reacts to the grandmothers call more responsive then the mothers call. With other people the child id indifferent. She smiles and approaches other children with curiosity. 2.) How does the child express his/her emotions? Give examples. The child expresses an alerted face when she knows something is wrong, for example, her mother spilled juice on her pants and the child stared at the mess with concern. When she is not allowed to explore she become sad and cries but does not fuss. 3.) How did the child communicate his/her wants/or needs? She stretches out her hands or points towards the object she wants or she will touch her bottom indicating her needs a diaper change. 4.) In what stage is the child according to Erikson? How do you know? Quote your text. According to Erikson’s chart the child is in the Autonomy vs Shame and doubt. From my observation the child is accurately developing within that stage. Cognitive Development 1.) In what stage is the child according to Piaget? How do you know? Give examples of the behaviors that reflect the child’s cognitive growth. According to Piagets chart the child is developing within the sensorimotor stage. Accurately enough the child shows the curiosity of feeling and tasting things 2.) How does the child use language? Give examples of the language used. Indicate such characteristics such as vocabulary, sentence structure, body language, and Pronunciations. Etc. The child words are not yet clear but she estimately knows about 6 words correctly. She can say mama and aba (grandmother). She says â€Å" tata â€Å" when she wants the sippy cup. She also says â€Å"amm† for when she wants food. 3.) How did those around the child respond to the child’s use of language? Was the child understood? Other children don’t understand her but go along by smiling and giggling. They will fight with her if she is taking away something that they had first. 4.) Describe in a short sentence of the child’s play, describing what you observed. In what way is he/she getting information about the world? When something comes up she looks at the mother or grandmother for a response. If one of them isn’t present the child will respond her own way or just leave and find her mother or grandmother. Resources: Eisner Pediatric and family medical center

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Conceptualization Treatment Plan Paper Essay

Abstract This paper is designed to focus on identifying conceptualization and treatment for clients regarding Individual Psychology. It begins with the client’s case study and history because it will give a stronger understanding of how the Individual Psychology theory is effective when working with this client. Understanding the dynamics of what the client has and is currently experiencing will allow the counselor the opportunity to point out the issues and address them individually. Details of the client’s concerns will be addressed, along with different techniques on dealing with the client, and some spiritual guidance to keep their spirits lifted during this process. The writer will connect the client’s flawed decisions with the new taught knowledge gained in counseling, in hopes of creating a stronger marriage and better person. The writer ends the paper by describing why the Individual Psychology Therapy was selected, how this therapy is used to treat the client, an d will describe any challenging aspects that may arise while working with the client. Keywords: Individual, psychology, therapy, theory, technique Client’s Presenting Concern Tina and John have been married for 12 years. Tina and John were both raised from a single mother. Tina never received any male affection as a child and she relied on sex and the attention men gave her. She sought out affection of any kind, but the affection from her husband wasn’t good enough. She also holds resentment and anger for the way John has treated their oldest daughter, Emily. Tina is remaining in the marriage right now, but she is emotionally and sexually disconnected and is planning on leaving. John had six sisters and even though it was a large family, he felt alone. John’s mother put men ahead of all six of her children. His sister’s followed in  his mother’s steps and connected love by men and sex. John never felt loved and searched desperately for love. Despite Tina’s multiple indiscretions John greatly wanted his marriage to last in spite of Tina’s repeated wants to leave him. Although John is not aware of Tina’s plan on leaving within the year he is very upset with her constant threat to leave and go back to her hometown. Individual Psychology Therapy Alfred Adler, one of Sigmund Freud’s students, created his own theory separating him from his teacher, and started his own theory (Stein & Edwards, 2011). Adler created the Individual Psychology, it focused on the individual as totality. Individual Psychology is defined as a cognitive, goal-oriented, social psychology concerned with an individual’s conviction, faith and awareness, along with each individual’s behavior. His focus was on the conscious and social drives. Adler believed that every person had self doubting and apprehensive times in their life, but deserved to be treated with respect and dignity (Milliren, Evans, & Newbauer, n.k.d.). Each person will have to identify their problem and work towards becoming a better person. Adler believed that each person manifested their own life course. Case Conceptualization Milliren, et. al (n.k.d.) stated that Individual Psychology had several fundamental principles, but the primary three are goal oriented goals, humans with the desire to belong and value themselves, and finally each person is inseparable and maintained wholeness through their personality. Adlerian psychology is different from any other school of psychology because it involved holism, purposiveness, and social interest. An unknown author from Adler Graduate School (2014), wrote, â€Å"thinking, feeling, emotion, and behavior can only be understood as subordinated to the individual’s style of life, or consistent pattern of dealing with life†. According to Milliren, et. Al (n.k.d.) there are three principles of Individual Psychology: the behavior is goal driven, humans had a need to belong and want to be desired, and each person is viewed as a whole with unique personalities and behaviors. When the client has started seeing a counselor they have come to the understanding of accepting there is a problem. When counseling begins the counselor must allow the client to address the concerns that has caused  them to go in for counseling. Once the concerns have been presented, the counselor begins to work towards implementing the changes into their life. Some physiological functioning along with the tasks of thinking, behaving, and feelings are all incorporated in the desire to reach their personal goal. Murdock (2009) believed that humans had an instinctive nature to always strive to obtain perfection, and understanding the desperation to succeed one can understand how the human path is created. Adler viewed family constellations into two separate ways to comprehend family positioning (Murdock, 2009, 140). There is a large amount of research differentiating the two ways and there are a vast amount of factors used in comprehending the differences. The first system is ordinal; this is order or number for each child born into the family (Shulman & Mosak, n.k.d.). For example when parents have children they place them in order of their first, second, or third born child. The second system is the birth order. A child’s birth order is determined by several factors. The first factor is if the children born in different environments (mentally and financially). The second factor is the psychological situation of the birth order of the child, which means if the first born does not act/represent like the first born as a leader, or example and the second child acts more mature than the second born will take the first born’s role. The third factor is amount of years between the siblings can amplify, or reduce arguments and fights between the siblings. Finally, the birth order is an influence. Birth order is not set in stone, the interaction with the parents also influence the order. Adler believed that everyone’s life plan was created by the time they were 5 years old (Murdock, 2009, p. 118). John was the third child of the family; however, he was the only one of the family who had a job. His mother and sister’s worked at fast food restaurants, or they did telemarketing while he went into the military to get him out of the city. Although he wanted more of his life than how he was raised, John was not aware of how to express his emotions. He was taught to keep everything in because if you showed emotions as a boy, it means you are weak. So, now John is not able to express all of his feelings to Tina. He can only show anger, or he pulls away from everyone. John views himself as a good husband and father, because he is still in the home with them and in his children’s lives. He feels that he has not abandoned them, so everything should be great in their lives. Despite the fact that John is not involved in any of his children’s activities, or has any knowledge about their school progress he feels like he is a good father because he doesn’t know any different. Goals and Interventions John is not aware of any problems in the family. He views that he is a good dad because he is in the home. He feels this way because he provides a nice home, insurance, security, and the comforts of having financial stability. He is in the home and able to help with disciplining the children when needed. John refuses to go to counseling because he feels that he does what he has to do as a man. He is not supposed to show emotions. He is supposed to keep his emotions in because no one wants to hear a man complaining. Counselors that practice Adlerian therapy believe that any client is able to change. The counselors incorporated three factors that are needed in working with clients, such as: love, faith, and hope (Murdock, 2009, p.128). The love is a general term. In order for the client to want to change they must feel like the counselors cares about them. Faith is shown by a counselor having confidence and is able to support the client. Having hope means that the counselor must ensure the client that they are able to succeed in life. In order for the counselor to be able to help the client, the counselor will need to understand each client, his lifestyle, and their reasoning for their actions. There are several techniques used to help clients under the Individual Psychology therapy. One of the techniques used is interpretation. When a counselor uses interpretation they use all of the information gained and attempt to make sense of the client’s lifestyles, dreams, and circumstances. The client is then able to offer their personal thoughts on how the information is perceived. The second technique used in Individual Psychology therapy is encouragement.  Encouragement is the continuation of interpretation of the client’s lifestyle, dreams, and circumstances. Encouragement is normally given prior to the client attempting to make the change. Encouragement is given as hope, or optimism to help to build the client’s confidence while they take on new tasks in their life. The third technique is acting as if. This is when clients have excuses for their behavior. When a client starts a sentence with â€Å"if only†, this is an attempt for the client to try to make sense of the issue. The counselor should ask the client how things would be different â€Å"if only† those items were real. Once the question is answered, then the counselor will be able to redirect and change the client’s view. Spiritual Application The Individual Psychology is based on the understanding the life of a person as a whole. Murdock (2009) wrote humans have an innate drive to be successful and survive. God created all humans equally, without envy. Attempting to have the clients to view themselves as equals to others will help keep the client spiritually connected and happy. This type of therapy requires the client to completely honest with themselves and others. The goal of the therapy is to assist the client in understanding the wrong lifestyle that they had been living and to correct the thought process. Conclusion This paper was composed from a case study of John and Tina, then it was enhanced with the Individual Psychology Therapy. This therapy was used because I feel that any type of therapy begins with the individual and the individual wanting to change. This type of therapy was a benefit to the client, because it focused on increasing the self. I think the most difficult aspect of this therapy was acknowledging the problem, accepting the problem, and correcting it. References Milliren, A., Evan, T., and Newbauer, J. (n.k.d.). Adlerian Theory. Carter & Evans Marriage and Family Therapy: Retrieved on February 2, 2014, from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Chivalry among men in the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

The element of chivalry overshadows everything else in Alexandre Dumas's historical romance, The Three Musketeers. The work was set against the background of King Louis VIII's France. It was a time of intrigue, treachery and machinations in high places, an atmosphere in which you could hardly distinguish friend from foe. It was at this juncture that D'Artagnan, the principal character arrives in Paris.When he sets out to seek his fortune in the famed city, as any young man did in those times and still does to some extent, he was armed with only the three things that were given to him by his aging father:They were, a horse as aging as his progenitor, fifteen crowns and a letter of introduction to Monsieur de Treville, captain of the musketeers, the personal guards of the French king. And there follows a story so packed with events that it leaves the readers spellbound.To many, the idea of chivalry seem frivolous, naà ¯ve and very much in vain. It is like taking romanticism to an illo gical conclusion. You have only got to read Don Quixote to remind yourself of this fact. But one comes to the conclusion that there is a flip side to it after all, after reading the swashbuckling heroics of the protagonist and his bosom pals.Although some of their exploits seem somewhat comic and incredulous, the way they were committed endears them to our hearts with the sheer buoyancy, exuberance and spontaneity of those acts. It takes one right back to childhood, when one indulged in the fantasies peculiar to the period, thereby filling us with nostalgia and even dà ©jà   vu.Here, the protagonist also â€Å"Seeks great stature of character by holding to the virtues and duties of a knight, realizing that though the ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit, growing the character from dust towards the heavens.Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness.à ¢â‚¬  (Price, Brian R. 1997).So the aforementioned negative qualities of chivalry do not in any way detract from the story in the least as we find the protagonist move forward in his onward momentum, in the most chivalrous manner, â€Å"packed with events and exciting dramatic encounters.† (Dumas, Alexandre).For this, indeed, is a story packed with events with the spirit of chivalry leading it ever forward. And watching D’Artagnan move from adventure to mayhem, one is filled with an overwhelming sense of admiration for the perpetrator of all those hair-raising episodes.And before long one is convinced of the fact that the idea of chivalry is not so frivolous and foolish after all, as seemed at first. Although at times it sounds childishly romantic, it has its high points of idealism, even if it is romantic in nature and so not everybody’s cup of tea.For D’Artagnan does follow the kind of chivalry in its original connotations. At every step, he is ‘ guided by the ideals of chivalry, a moral code that has its origins in medieval knighthood.’ (Dumas, Alexandre).And we sit glued to our seats as if are watching an action packed movie. He exhibits almost all the qualities considered necessary by a typical chivalrous person. First and foremost he is guided by the quality of prowess.In every action ‘he seeks excellence in all endeavors he goes through, martial or otherwise. Like a true knight he does not use his strength for personal glory but uses to serve the cause of justice.' (Price, Brian R. 1997).He is also fiercely loyal to the cause and the people whom he seeks to serve. In the novel, he is loyal to his friends, his country and his amour Madame Bonacieux. And like a true knight he fights the forces of evil with all his strength. Thus he battles the villain Cardinal Richelieu and his guards. Yet he has the time to answer the calls of love from the beautiful and enigmatic Madame Bonacieux.His cronies were Athos, Por thos and Aramis. They were with him in all his adventures and escapades throughout the narrative. Strangely enough, they became friends by fighting duels with D’Artagnan on the one hand and the others one after another, on the other.These encounters came to an end when they were confronted by the arch villain Cardinal Richelieu’s guards who, at that juncture and then onwards, became their common enemy. And their common exploits under the leadership of D’Artagnan also became tinted with the codes of chivalry then prevalent throughout the length and breadth of Europe.Another chivalric code of conduct is to fight for justice ‘unencumbered by bias or personal interest.’ ((Price, Brian R. 1997). Accordingly, the four friends wielded the sword in cause of justice while at the same time practicing the fine qualities of mercy and humanity. They fought against the evil Cardinal whose machinations had filled the French court with intrigue, treachery and viole nce.The chivalric code of defense, demands that D’Artagnan and company also should defend their liege lord, in this case the king of France. But here there is a deviation and object the D’Artagnan’s fealty falls on the queen instead of the king by a quirk of circumstance. ‘The Musketeers join forces to protect the honor of the Queen, to help her conceal her affair with Buckingham, and to help her to arrange meetings with him.This may seem like a relatively trivial matter to most modern readers when compared to the urgencies of the political situation of the time, but according to the code of chivalry and honor that the Musketeers believe in, fostering true love is of the highest importance.’In this work the hero achieves his goals through pride honor and determination. A true gallant always defends his honor whatever be the cost of doing so. For this he is ready to die if necessary.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Brooklyn and The Translator

In Brooklyn and translator novels, we see many different forms of family themes. The idea of ​​going home, leaving home, returning home is a very skilled focus of this article. In addition, the concept of family means that each character has different things, and how the problems such as immigrants / immigrants, asylum and return home play a role in the story. From Irish rain to lively New York City, or western Sudan to Chad, people show nationalistic ideas and purposes of existence. If the polygon index classifies Brooklyn as city_district, addr: city = Brooklyn. Brooklyn can, of course, refer to the city (Brooklyn, Connecticut) or the community (Brooklyn, Jacksonville), and libpostal can handle that kind of disambiguation from contextual words, but it does it It should not be said that the exchange method refers to the same Brooklyn. Cities and other place names sometimes contain abbreviations as they are written, but they are not written in OSM. In large cities such as Fort Lauderdale, there are one or two addresses of addresses. City = Fort Lauderdale, but in small cities such as Fort Walton Beach this rarely happens. In the early version of libpostal, the names of the training data were randomly omitted, but at 0, we started the same thing for OSM's place name so the parser looks like Fort = Ft, Saint = You should be able to handle the most common variants. St etc. In Brooklyn and translator novels, we see many different forms of family themes. The idea of ​​going home, leaving home, returning home is a very skilled focus of this article. In addition, the concept of family means that each character has different things, and how the problems such as immigrants / immigrants, asylum and return home play a role in the story. - Getting to start using Lexus and olive trees is not only a good book's title but also a metaphor of this book. The title Lexus is a way that everyone in the world wants the best products. Just to get newer an d better products. If someone joins the parade and others want it, it will be a competition that no one notices. On the other hand, olive trees are regarded as small towns. In terms of Smith's interest, Brooklyn's A Tree Grows sold over 4,000,000 copies. It has been translated into 16 languages ​​and has become a movie. Prior to publishing the book she offered to sell it to Hollywood for $ 5,000, and was rejected. Because of its success, this movie offers a wonderful novel by A Tree Grows from Brooklyn. It associates her own childhood experience with over 4 million viewers. Enduring all the difficulties in the novel, a ruthless tree is the main symbol of Nolans and all other families suffering over time, facing money issues, immorality, responsibility and freedom . Finally Nolans crossed the trees, but the roots were permanently embedded in them.

Solar Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Solar Energy - Research Paper Example ss of the lost radiation, the solar energy that reaches the surface of the Earth is 10,000 times the energy used by the people (Solar energy in McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 2004). The radiation which is scattered when it collides with gas molecules is termed diffuse radiation, whereas the portion that directly reaches the Earth’s surface is termed direct radiation. Clouds play an important role in the scattering of radiation and hence reduce direct radiation by 80 – 90%. Global radiation is defined as the total radiation, including the diffuse and direct radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface (Solar energy in McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 2004). Extensive research is being carried on the utilization of solar energy; and the chief aim is to develop technology and discover efficient ways to capture the low-density solar energy, and convert it to a form that would be useful. In addition, forms of energy, such as wind energy, biomass energy, hydro power and thermal energy that derive from solar energy, promise to generate clean forms of energy. At present, with the sole exception of hydropower, none of these forms of energy are being employed to any significant extent (Solar energy in McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 2004). Sources of energy that do not get exhausted and can be replenished are known as renewable sources of energy. Most of the renewable energy systems that are in use rely either directly or indirectly on solar energy. The direct sources include tapping the heat and light of the sun, whereas the indirect sources are wave power, hydroelectric power, and wind turbines (Renewable energy in Illustrated Dictionary of Science, Andromeda, 1988). With growing awareness, regarding the ill effects and the limitations of fossil fuels, which will eventually be totally consumed, there is a sustained effort to change over to a more eco – friendly economy that is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Two kinds by amy tan summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Two kinds by amy tan summary - Essay Example The underlying benefits of these efforts are unclear but the show still goes on. A piano teacher is hired to train the little girl. A whole new direction is taken as more time is wasted. The girl fakes almost everything to do with the training, probably taking advantage of the deaf piano teacher. She is therefore seen making a fortune out of her mother’s blunder. What she does not know is the extent to which her mother is interested in her piano skills. She is signed up for a talent show that brings together Chinese-American community. This is seen as an opportunity to showcase her developing talent in piano. She is faced by a significant audience, and all that can save her is a miracle since the talent show has trapped her. However, all she was set for is shame, to her and her family. A daughter-mother conflict arises and the mother’s concern for her daughter’s talent fades away. Towards the end of the story, the daughter returns with her piano. The piano is fully serviced. Jing-mei’s mother has passed away and her high hopes for the daughter can only be remembered by keeping the piano. She therefore lets the piano act as a representation of her mother’s hopes for

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Assess Competitive conditions in the banking industry in Saudi Arabia Essay

Assess Competitive conditions in the banking industry in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example udi Arabia, the need to establish and develop a modern banking industry was felt, and as a result the foundations of a full-fledged banking industry was laid in the year 1952 (Homoud, 2011). Keeping in view the significant growth and developments in the banking industry of the country, the question arises that whether the banking industry of Saudi Arabia is competitive enough over the past few years (Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, 2014). In this paper, the researcher has made use of the method put forward by Rosse and Panzar (1977) for the measurement of the extent to which competition exists in the banking industry of a country. In this regard, the researcher has presented estimates of the Rosse-Panzar H Statistic by making use of information pertaining to financial performance of selected Saudi Arabian banks. After the introduction section, the report includes a brief review of the banking sector of Saudi Arabia, a discussion of the theory, methodology and data considered in conducting this study, empirical results obtained from analysis of information and conclusions reached thereon. Today, the Saudi Arabian banking industry is regarded as amongst the fastest growing and developing in the world. Apart from the fact that the operating environment in the country for banks is competitive at present, the industry is expected to gain more competency owing to the fast paced technological and regulatory developments in the region and all over the world. The competency, resilience and strength of the Saudi Arabian banking industry is also evident from the fact that during the recent financial crisis, the industry managed to report positive growth figures, and also showed consistency in its growth in lending operations. At present, the Saudi Arabian banking industry is largely run by private sector and therefore capital lent in the country largely moves from the private sector (Homoud, 2011; Almazari & Almuman, 2012). As per the statistics published by the Central

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fragmentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fragmentation - Essay Example Additionally, the Packets those are bigger than the permissible Maximum Transmission Unit or simply MTU have to be segregated into numerous lesser packets, or fragments, to facilitate them to move all through the network. If a packet that is pertaining to to be transmitted (for instance: over an Ethernet connection) is larger than that, the router that is pertaining to to transmit the packet over that transmission connection will fragment the network transmission packet i.e. the router will break up the packet into lesser messages (recognized as fragments) that are very small sufficient to be sent over the network transmission channel. As the fragments come to the receiver or destination (the system /user to which they are being transmitted), that computer is able to rebuild the fragments to get back the originally transmitted data or information message, supposing that none of the messages are misplaced during transmission (LearnSoftwareProcesses, 2009) (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagn e, 2004) and (Forouzan & Fegan, 2006). In this regard, HPING2 is a tool pertained to the network and has the capability to transmit usual TCP/IP packets as well as to show destination or receiver’s responses similar to ping program performs by means of ICMP responses. Additionally, the HPING2 manage fragmentation, random packets unit and size is capable to transmit files which have been encapsulated by supported set of rules known as protocols. In addition, through HPING2 we are capable to carry out as a minimum the subsequent major jobs in a network fragmentation or transmission: (HPING, 2010) HPING2 works with an IP header bit known as don’t fragment bit. Typically when a gateway sends a packet ahead from a network to some other by means of an MTU size that is lesser than the network transmission packet size, the packet becomes fragmented or broken into smaller pieces (known as the fragments). In its place if the Dont fragment bit is put in the IP header, the gateway will

Monday, September 9, 2019

What adjustments to prices could Moscows Kofe Haus Essay

What adjustments to prices could Moscows Kofe Haus (КÐ ¾Ã'„Ð µ Ð ¥Ã °Ã'Æ'Ð ·) restaurant formulate in order to draw more customers during the recession - Essay Example Many assumptions will have to be made due to a lack of good market data, typical of the non-transparent Russian business operating environment. An anecdotal SWOT analysis and literature review was conducted to find solutions to the difficult economic conditions confronting COFFEE HOUSE in the global recession. Marketing strategies and business models from North America were examined. Local competition was surveyed and the target market consumer was profiled. Although the North American market leaders have a dominant world position, they have also suffered during the recession. Not all the strategies and tactics are applicable in the Russian market; but some techniques were adapted with some reservation. COFFEE HOUSEs strength lies in its long history adapting to local market conditions, close contact and development of loyal customers. An evolving strategy must respond to deteriorating purchasing power of consumers and possible loss of market share to new competitors. A shift away from food-based price discounts towards value-based espresso drinks is recommended. The retail hospitality industry is generally vulnerable to downward swings in the economy. Coffee retailers in specific exist in an extremely competive environment and need a strong strategy to survive. The retail coffee market is generally susceptible to fickle consumer tastes and highly price sensitive. Russian coffee and tea franchises are relatively young and it is assumed that much can be learned from experiences in the international arena where a longer track record is evident. Additionally, the hotter competitive scene in mature markets may provide excellent examples for where the Russian market can expect to evolve. Coffee establishments in North America, Europe and Australia have already weathered economic downturns and have applied creative tactics to maintain profitability. These examples, if carefully selected fit unique Russian consumer demands, may provide a attractive pathways

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Political science - Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Political science - Africa - Research Paper Example Historical Background to The Situation - European Colonialism As discussed by Sharma (1973), in the beginning European interest was confined to the Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean - the rest was "Dark Continent" fraught with savage cannibals, wild animals and dreadful diseases stalking an inhospitable terrain. By the end of the fifteenth century Portuguese started trading in ivory, pepper, dyestuff and gold dust. This was also the time when Europeans commenced colonisation of the American continent and a very profitable slave trade flourished from Africa to meet the enormous demand of manual labour of the colonisers. By 1870s explorers and missionaries started adventuring into the deep jungles of Africa. With the advent of industrial revolution the demand for raw materials and markets to sell finished products grew in leaps and bounds. This led to rivalry amongst European colonialists to spread their territory, which reached its zenith in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. The sharing of the 'African Pie' was amicably settled thro ugh the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 whereby Africa was apportioned by the European powers without any regard to the lie of the land or the psyche of the natives. It is to be noted that in posterity such lacerations presented serious problems of integration at the time of independence of most states. A primitive culture prevailed amongst the tribes in Africa and wars between clans and tribes to settle disputes were very common. Whenever there were disputes amongst the tribes the weaker ones sought outside help. The European traders who had modern weapons and better fighting skills to offer were their first choice. In due course areas that were rich... Africa is primarily a land of ethnic tribes and clans. A tribe does not represent any homogeneity or criterion by which sects of people differentiate themselves from other sects. They are a natural formation of people who get together and affirm their obligations to unite in warfare against outsiders and acknowledge the rights of their members to compensations for injuries. The colonisation of Africa has brutalised the people and vandalised the resources by warlords and despotic rulers. It has left Africans psychologically scarred and scared. Letting loose one tribe against another and creating insecurity and dependency was the most convenient way of subjugating a race. With their better intellect and strength, subjugating large states was not a difficult task for the Europeans. Here one must remember that Africa was not the only country that Europeans colonised. Large parts of Asia, Australia and America were also once under their occupation for centuries. Today many of them are env iable economic powers, technological marvels and military superpowers. Therefore, one cannot escape an accepted wisdom that Africa has wrought self-destruction on themselves unable to overcome the unique racial and social inadequacies. To gloss over Africa as a puzzle that cannot be solved or explained is simplistic. The happenings in Africa lead us to assume the Africans have some inherent ethnic shortcomings that keep them as underdogs on this planet earth. The historical fact file encourages one to accept such a presumption.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

How Supply and Demand Affects the British Economy Essay

How Supply and Demand Affects the British Economy - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to do this, as well as look into all related elements and issues enveloped in this subject matter. This is what will be dissertated in the following. The British economy is considered as being "a parasite on the rest of productive capitalism" (Roberts, n.d.). However, in the European Commission's latest assessment of EU finances, it was predicted that the UK economy would grow by 2.2% this year and by at least 2.6% in the year of 2004. "The labor market has remained strong despite the global slowdown with the unemployment rate being at around 27-year lows," said the European Commission. (Osborn, 2003). As well, inflation in Britain is much lower than that of most other EU countries. Economic shocks can cause unpredictable damage and changes in aggregate demand and short run aggregate supply which lie outside our normal macroeconomic models. As a result, a new equilibrium level of national output is achieved. However, "The unpredictable nature of these shocks creates a fluctuating rate of economic growth and may require some sort of macroeconomic policy response." (Tutor, 2005). To the UK economy, which is an open economy, an example of a demand shock would be that of a recession in a major trading partner such as the United States. Meaning that, if the United States were experiencing a recession, real disposable incomes of US consumers would fall and hence demand for imports would fall as well. Although some people argue that because the UK has not entered recession international events have therefore not had a great effect on economic growth; however, this is not true the UK has suffered due to the global downturn but this has, to some extent at least, been offset by continued levels of consumer confidence the reflationary effects of the decision by the Monetary Policy Committee to reduce nominal interest rates still further to their current level of just 4.0%. "Cheaper money has been a key factor sustaining both confidence and consumer spending. The continued strength of house prices and low unemployment also helped to limit the impact of the demand shock that hit the British economy." (Tutor, 2005). Inflation is the process in which prices rise in the domestic economy, of which are reflected in the reduced purchasing power of a national sum of money over time. General price inflation is a fall in the purchasing power of money within an economy, as compared to currency devaluation which is the fall of the market value of a currency between economies. The particular extent to which these two phenomena are related is open to economic debate, though the comparison of a currency to foreign currencies is based on investor demand for currencies, and therefore must at least partially be a matter of perception. The issue of inflation is incredibly important in British politics on account of its effect on the purchasing power of both the consumer and business, and the corresponding linkage that the declining value of wealth and income has to the general economic health of the country. The law in Britain of supply and demand results in the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Once a region or country is ahead of the economic pack, it then

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Essence of Food Essay Example for Free

The Essence of Food Essay Food is any substance, usually composed primarily of carbohydrates, fats, water and/or proteins, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal or human for nutrition or pleasure. Items considered food may be sourced from plants, animals or other categories such as fungus or fermented products like alcohol. Although many human cultures sought food items through hunting and gathering, today most cultures use farming, ranching, and fishing, with hunting, foraging and other methods of a local nature included but playing a minor role. Most traditions have a recognizable cuisine, a specific set of cooking traditions, preferences, and practices, the study of which is known as gastronomy. Many cultures have diversified their foods by means of preparation, cooking methods and manufacturing. This also includes a complex food trade which helps the cultures to economically survive by-way-of food, not just by consumption. Many cultures study the dietary analysis of food habits. While humans are omnivores, religion and social constructs such as morality often affect which foods they will consume. Food safety is also a concern with foodborne illness claiming many lives each year. In many languages, food is often used metaphorically or figuratively, as in food for thought. Contents [hide] 1 Food sources 1. 1 Plants 1. 2 Animals 2 Production 3 Preparation 3. 1 Animal slaughter and butchering 3. 2 Cooking 3. 2. 1 Cooking equipment and methods 3. 2. 2 Raw food 3. 3 Restaurants 3. 4 Food manufacture 4 Commercial trade 4. 1 International exports and imports 4. 2 Marketing and retailing 4. 3 Prices 5 Famine and hunger 5. 1 Food aid 6 Safety 6. 1 Allergies 7 Diet 7. 1 Cultural and religious diets 7. 2 Diet deficiencies 7. 3 Moral, ethical, and health conscious diet 8 Nutrition 9 Legal definition 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References Food sources Almost all foods are of plant or animal origin, although there are some exceptions. Foods not coming from animal or plant sources include various edible fungi, such mushrooms. Fungi and ambient bacteria are used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods such as leavened bread, alcoholic drinks, cheese, pickles, and yogurt. Many cultures eat seaweed, a protist, or blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) such as Spirulina. [1] Additionally, salt is often eaten as a flavoring or preservative, and baking soda is used in food preparation. Both of these are inorganic substances, as is water, an important part of human diet. Plants A variety of foods from plant sources Many plants or plant parts are eaten as food. There are around 2,000 plant species which are cultivated for food, and many have several distinct cultivars. [2] Seeds of plants are a good source of food for animals, including humans because they contain nutrients necessary for the plants initial growth. In fact, the majority of food consumed by human beings are seed-based foods. Edible seeds include cereals (such as maize, wheat, and rice), legumes (such as beans, peas, and lentils), and nuts. Oilseeds are often pressed to produce rich oils, such as sunflower, rapeseed (including canola oil), and sesame. [3] One of the earliest food recipes made from ground chickpeas is called hummus, which can be traced back to Ancient Egypt times. Fruits are the ripened ovaries of plants, including the seeds within. Many plants have evolved fruits that are attractive as a food source to animals, so that animals will eat the fruits and excrete the seeds some distance away. Fruits, therefore, make up a significant part of the diets of most cultures. Some botanical fruits, such as tomatoes, pumpkins and eggplants, are eaten as vegetables. [4] (For more information, see list of fruits. ) Vegetables are a second type of plant matter that is commonly eaten as food. These include root vegetables (such as potatoes and carrots), leaf vegetables (such as spinach and lettuce), stem vegetables (such as bamboo shoots and asparagus), and inflorescence vegetables (such as globe artichokes and broccoli). Many herbs and spices are highly-flavorful vegetables. [5] Animals Various raw meats Main article: Animal source foods Animals can be used as food either directly, or indirectly by the products they produce. Meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from either muscle systems or from organs. Food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammals, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products such as cheese or butter. In addition birds and other animals lay eggs, which are often eaten, and bees produce honey, a popular sweetener in many cultures. Some cultures consume blood, some in the form of blood sausage, as a thickener for sauces, a cured salted form for times of food scarcity, and others use blood in stews such as civet. [6] Production Tractor and Chaser Bin Main article: Agriculture Food is traditionally obtained through farming, ranching, and fishing, with hunting, foraging and other methods of subsistence locally important. More recently, there has been a growing trend towards more sustainable agricultural practices. This approach, which is partly fueled by consumer demand, encourages biodiversity, local self-reliance and organic farming methods. [7] Major influences on food production are international organizations, (e. g. the World Trade Organization and Common Agricultural Policy), national government policy (or law), and war. [8] Preparation While some food can be eaten raw, many foods undergo some form of preparation for reasons of safety, palatability, or flavor. At the simplest level this may involve washing, cutting, trimming or adding other foods or ingredients, such as spices. It may also involve mixing, heating or cooling, pressure cooking, fermentation, or combination with other food. In a home, most food preparation takes place in a kitchen. Some preparation is done to enhance the taste or aesthetic appeal; other preparation may help to preserve the food; and others may be involved in cultural identity. A meal is made up of food which is prepared to be eaten at a specific time and place. [9] Animal slaughter and butchering Workers and cattle in a slaughterhouse. The preparation of animal-based food will usually involve slaughter, evisceration, hanging, portioning and rendering. In developed countries, this is usually done outside the home in slaughterhouses which are used to process animals en mass for meat production. Many countries regulate their slaughterhouses by law. For example the United States has established the Humane Slaughter Act of 1958, which requires that an animal be stunned before killing. This act, like those in many countries, exempts slaughter in accordance to religious law, such as kosher shechita and dhabiha halal. Strict interpretations of kashrut require the animal to be fully aware when its carotid artery is cut. [10] On the local level a butcher may commonly break down larger animal meat into smaller manageable cuts and pre-wrapped for commercial sale or wrapped to order in butcher paper. In addition fish and seafood may be fabricated into smaller cuts by a fish monger at the local level. However fish butchery may be done on board a fishing vessel and quick-frozen for preservation of quality. [11] Cooking Main article: Cooking Cooking with a Wok in China The term cooking encompasses a vast range of methods, tools and combinations of ingredients to improve the flavor or digestibility of food. Cooking technique, known as culinary art, generally requires the selection, measurement and combining of ingredients in an ordered procedure in an effort to achieve the desired result. Constraints on success include the variability of ingredients, ambient conditions, tools, and the skill of the individual cooking. [12] The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of the myriad nutritional, aesthetic, agricultural, economic, cultural and religious considerations that impact upon it. [13] Cooking requires applying heat to a food which usually, though not always, chemically transforms it, thus changing its flavor, texture, appearance, and nutritional properties. [14] Cooking proper, as opposed to roasting, requires the boiling of water in a container, and was practiced at least since the 10th millennium BC with the introduction of pottery. [15] There is archaeological evidence of roasted foodstuffs at Homo erectus campsites dating from 420,000 years ago. [16] Cooking equipment and methods There are many types of cooking equipment used for cooking. Ovens are one type of cooking equipment which can be used for baking or roasting and offer a dry-heat cooking method. Different cuisines will use different types of ovens, for example Indian culture uses a Tandoor oven is a cylindrical clay oven which operates at a single high temperature,[17] while western kitchens will use variable temperature convection ovens, conventional ovens, toaster ovens in addition to non-radiant heat ovens like the microwave oven. Ovens may be wood-fired, coal-fired, gas, electric, or oil-fired. [18] A stainless steel frying pan. Various types of cook-tops are used as well. They carry the same variations of fuel types as the ovens mentioned above. cook-tops are used to heat vessels placed on top of the heat source, such as a saute pan, sauce pot, frying pan, pressure cooker, etc. These pieces of equipment can use either a moist or dry cooking method and include methods such as steaming, simmering, boiling, and poaching for moist methods; while the dry methods include sauteing, pan frying, or deep-frying. [19] Traditional asado In addition, many cultures use grills for cooking. A grill operates with a radiant heat source from below, usually covered with a metal grid and sometimes a cover. An open bit barbecue in the American south is one example along with the American style outdoor grill fueled by wood, liquid propane or charcoal along with soaked wood chips for smoking. [20] A Mexican style of barbecue is called barbacoa, which involves the cooking of meats and whole sheep over open fire. In Argentina, asado is prepared on a grill held over an open pit or fire made upon the ground, on which a whole animal is grilled or in other cases smaller cuts of the animal. [21] Raw food Many types of sushi ready to be eaten. Certain cultures highlight animal and vegetable foods in their raw state. Sushi in Japan is one such cuisine that features raw sliced fish, either in sashimi, nigiri, or maki styles. [22] Steak tartare and salmon tartare are dishes made from diced or ground raw beef or salmon respectively, mixed with various ingredients and served with baguette, brioche or frites. [23] In Italy, carpaccio is a dish of very thin sliced raw beef, drizzled with a vinaigrette made with olive oil. [24] A popular health food movement known as raw foodism promotes a mostly vegan diet of raw fruits, vegetables and grains prepared in various ways, including juicing, food dehydration, not passing the 118 degree mark, and sprouting. [25] Restaurants Toms Restaurant, a restaurant in New York Many cultures produce food for sale in restaurants for paying customers. These restaurants often have trained chefs who prepare the food, while trained waitstaff serve the customers. The term restaurant is credited to the French from the 19th century, as it relates to the restorative nature of the bouillons that were once served in them. However, the concept pre-dates the naming of these establishments, as evidence suggests commercial food preparation may have existed during the age of the city of Pompeii, as well as an urban sales of prepared foods in China during the Song Dynasty. The coffee shops or cafes of 17th century Europe may also be considered an early version of the restaurant. [26] In 2005 the United States spent $496 billion annually for out-of-home dining. Expenditures by type of out-of-home dining was as follows, 40% in full-service restaurants, 37. 2% in limited service restaurants (fast food), 6. 6% in schools or colleges, 5. 4% in bars and vending machines, 4. 7% in hotels and motels, 4. 0% in recreational places, and 2. 2% in other which includes military bases. [27] Food manufacture Packaged household food items Main article: Food manufacture Packaged foods are manufactured outside the home for purchase. This can be as simple as a butcher preparing meat, or as complex as a modern international food industry. Early food processing techniques were limited by available food preservation, packaging and transportation. This mainly involved salting, curing, curdling, drying, pickling, fermentation and smoking. [28] During the industrialization era in the 19th century, food manufacturing arose. [29] This development took advantage of new mass markets and emerging new technology, such as milling, preservation, packaging and labeling and transportation. It brought the advantages of pre-prepared time saving food to the bulk of ordinary people who did not employ domestic servants. [30] At the start of the 21st century, a two-tier structure has arisen, with a few international food processing giants controlling a wide range of well-known food brands. There also exists a wide array of small local or national food processing companies. [31] Advanced technologies have also come to change food manufacture. Computer-based control systems, sophisticated processing and packaging methods, and logistics and distribution advances, can enhance product quality, improve food safety, and reduce costs. [30] Commercial trade International exports and imports Food imports in 2005 World Bank reported that the EU was the top food importer in 2005 followed at a distance by the USA and Japan. Food is now traded and marketed on a global basis. The variety and availability of food is no longer restricted by the diversity of locally grown food or the limitations of the local growing season. [32] Between 1961 and 1999 there has been a 400% increase in worldwide food exports. [33] Some countries are now economically dependent on food exports, which in some cases account for over 80% of all exports. [34] In 1994 over 100 countries became signatories to the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in a dramatic increase in trade liberalization. This included an agreement to reduce subsidies paid to farmers, underpinned by the WTO enforcement of agricultural subsidy, tariffs, import quotas and settlement of trade disputes that cannot be bilaterally resolved. [35] Where trade barriers are raised on the disputed grounds of public health and safety, the WTO refer the dispute to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which was founded in 1962 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization. Trade liberalization has greatly affected world food trade. [36].