Friday, July 26, 2019

How do stereotypes affect the perception of male masculinity in the Research Paper

How do stereotypes affect the perception of male masculinity in the workplace - Research Paper Example This kind of profiling ranges from the unequal pay package to the court system. The paper will examine the impact of the male masculinity in the workplace mostly from the effects it has on both genders and accordingly where possible look at the ways that the stereotyping can be rectified in order to bring out the equality in every other workplace. Furthermore as the paper is examining the stereotype from mainly the female angle it should be put into consideration that even the male employees in a workplace also suffer from the kind of discrimination from their other male counterparts in relation to career and association. HOW STEREOTYPES AFFECT PERCEPTION OF MALE MASCULINITY IN A WORKPLACE Stereotyping When it comes to the workplace, gender stereotype can be an awfully traumatizing experience that any person should not undergo. By stereotyping a particular group of people or even having a perception of a particular group of people implies that the persons is being mistreated on the b asis of a predetermined philosophy that in most cases will not be true (Wood, 2012). By stereotyping a particular society it means that we are making a discernment based on objective scrutiny about that particular group of people. Stereotyping can be made on a persons presumption based on their age, race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender. In the workplace the stereotyping exists although measures have been put in place to dissuade the discrimination especially based on the gender of individuals. In the societies, the equitable and fairness work place policies indicate that people are moving away from the notions of gender discrimination into a better and fair society (Paludi, 2012). Furthermore in the past years, laws have been put into place to discourage and prohibit gender discrimination. Male Masculinity Masculinity varies from each and everyone and when various people or societies get into contact with each other their own notion of masculinity has the potential of crea ting conflicts among themselves. By possessing characteristics and qualities typical of any male person it will be qualified to say that that is a perception of having the masculinity. The expression masculinity might be used to portray any human being, animal or even an object that has capability and eminence to be masculine and therefore is not limited to man alone. However Chrisler & McCreary (2010) claim that the usage of the term is mostly to associated with the male qualities in the society. The perception of masculinity was first used in the early 19th century just when the industrial revolution had just began. Swift transformation and advancement of technology has ensured that the standards of living have improved and become well and with this, the description of the term masculinity has also changed. Currently in the present workplace masculinity is definitely an aspect that has to be taken into consideration by directors and also by staff. This is mainly because it plays a critical and unique position in the way people interrelate with one another and outline the system (Hinsdale, Johnson, & Validated Instruction Associates Inc Albion 2010).   In the earliest impression of male masculinity, the concept of maleness and masculinity was that men did not work for the reason that they enjoyed it but somewhat; they did the work for the sole purpose of being called men. After that era men began believing that the worst that possibly

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