Tuesday, July 23, 2019

All of us learn from our failures as well as successes. What is Essay

All of us learn from our failures as well as successes. What is something you gained from an unsuccessful experience - Essay Example With a borrowed capital from my father, I ventured into the business of selling candies and ice-creams. At the beginning, I seemed to make some meaningful progress. However, the number of customers began fading away and I could hardly make any sales. I was prepared to remain in business hoping that the business will eventually pick up. My parents encouraged me to keep on trying and they would help in preparing some of the candies at home. After five weeks, the business was not making any profits. Actually, it became increasingly difficult to break even on my capital investment and therefore, I eventually gave up. My father summoned me and we had a conversation in which he told me the reasons why my business failed. According to him, I was not adequately prepared to do any business since I did not have any background knowledge in business. He indeed encouraged me to put a lot of effort in school especially in business related courses if my aspirations are to become an entrepreneur. From this experience, I learned the importance of education in life. Knowledge is overwhelmingly important in every aspect of

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