Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critical Thinking Assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Thinking Assigment - Essay Example In order to obtain views of students facing this problem, a questionnaire has been developed, which is attached to this report. There are five types of sampling that can be used for academic research, and they are briefly discussed below. Simple random sampling is the basis method which suggests that every individual has equal probability to be included in the sample. Systematic Sampling allows every kth individual to have a chance to be included in the sample (Babbie 209). Stratified Sampling chooses a grouping of individuals on the basis of certain specifics and then sample can be selected using random sampling (Babbie 212). Convenience Sampling is when the researcher gives the questionnaire to individuals irrespective of any other requisite and hopes that higher response rate can be achieved (Bryman and Bell 197). Snowball Sampling implies that the researcher approaches a small group of individuals who then ask others to participate in the research (Bryman and Bell 200). Quota Sam pling is used when the researcher creates sample groups so that sufficient representation from the population on the basis of their demographics can be achieved (Bryman and Bell 201). For the purpose of the current study, convenience sampling has been used. The reason for this was that the researcher sent the questionnaire to 20 students and requested them to complete it in their own convenient time and submit it via email. This has allowed respondents to take their time and complete their questionnaire with ease. In comparison to this sampling technique that has been adopted for the study it is understood that if different methods of sampling had been used then the researcher could expect different outcome. For example, if the sample population was selected using quota sampling then results representative of different demographic classes could have been achieved. Moreover, for stratified sampling a list of car owners driving to the college would be required to select appropriate sa mple. The response rate was 100% as all respondents returned the questionnaire after completing it. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions including four demographic questions. Findings are presented below. Out of 20 respondents, 15 individuals are females and 5 are males, and each of them owns a car and uses it to get to the college. Majority of the respondents are 18-23 years old. Respondents are taking different courses at the PCCC College. Since, the study is not focused upon segregating and analyzing data on the basis of the demographics of respondents therefore, no further discussion is made regarding them. All respondents feel that there is a shortage of car parking at the PCCC College. Majority of the respondents are of the view that they are often late in reaching the college on time because they cannot find suitable car parking and they have to park their cars at far locations. Due to the shortage of parking slots in the college, most of the respondents think they sho uld stop driving cars to the college and should use other modes of transport. Moreover, they feel that the PCCC College management should be held responsible for providing alternate car parking space. On the basis of the findings of this report, it is suggested that college administration should rent out nearby parking slots from their owners and assign a specific number of parking space to students who drive cars to get to the col

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