Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Maya What Was Their Greatest Achievement - 587 Words

Throughout time, there are many instances of early civilizations accomplishing breathtaking feats that we find awe worthy even today. These cultures helped shape humanity as a whole, and paved the way for people everywhere. Of these early cultures, one of the most remarkable was undoubtedly the Mayans. The Mayans lived in Mesoamerica, around Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize. They were an isolated group of people that thrived on farming and raised crops such as Maize, Beans, and Chili Peppers. They also Fished often and hunted Deer and other woodland creatures. The culture of the Mayans gradually uplifted, and the peak of their civilization appeared during the Classic Age of 250 to 900 CE. During this time, The Mayans created an abundance of art and amazing architecture that still inspire the architects of today. This civilization was on the road to greatness, but this greatness came to an end quickly. The Mayan city-states were in a constant feud and violence was const antly raging. Because of this, The Maya never became a single government unlike other major societies. Despite this, The Mayans achieved many remarkable accomplishments such as their calendar, architecture, marvelous trade system, and genius numerals that continue to be a template for the people of today. The Mayans most remarkable feats was the creation of their Calendar. The Mayan calendar was considered to be one of the most accurate records of time created by an early civilization. ThisShow MoreRelatedMayan Architecture: Their Greatest Achievement715 Words   |  3 Pagescity. The Maya had a massive civilization that rose in 250 CE and fell around 900 CE. They inhabited an area known as Mesoamerica, which consisted of southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. The Maya, as a people, are known for several achievements such as an extensive trade network, three calendars, and advances in numbers. 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