Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Impact Of Renewable Energy - 785 Words

The Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) aimed to influence residents to convert most of the state’s energy production into renewable energy. Based on the Califonia Energy Commision, in 2006, the standard requires 20 percent of electricity retail sales to be powered by renewable energy. The standard is then further improved to a targeted percentile of 33% in 2020 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and moving forward to the current standard which is at 51% by 2030 by Governor Edmund G. Brown. As of June 2017, California is ahead of schedule and the state is currently 29% fully powered by clean energy. These data are proven by the California Energy Commission, there are no doubt that these numbers are true, but does it really contribute to the†¦show more content†¦Therefore, this model proves that if RPS was not introduced into California, there would be a massive amount of GHG emissions, more than any of the other policies in the electricity sector. Having said that, the usage of renewable energy remains a major factor in reducing carbon emissions in the country. Since most of the states in the country are still depending on fossil fuels as their main source of energy, it is crucial to execute standards such as RPS as it will definitely make a positive impact in terms of reducing carbon emissions. Although RPS is one of the major contributor in reducing GHG emissions, there is a more intensive program that reduces more GHG emissions every year, as discussed next. The cap and trade program, a more controversial and costly program which is also designed by CARB, is aiming to reduce GHG emissions to fully support their initiatives and to meet goals relating to AB32. CARB states that the cap and trade program is a market based regulation that is developed to lessen the emission of GHGs from several emitting sources. Dale Kasler (2017) from Sacramento Bee provides an insight on the program as he states that this program sets up a cap or limit onto industrial firms by providing a certain number of permits to all the firms. He also explains that firms have to eventually purchase more permits according to their needs fromShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy839 Words   |  4 Pagesamazing thing about renewable energy resources is that they do not deplete. These energy resources include energies such as hydroelectric energy, solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. The major advantage of using these resource s is that the environmental impact is extremely low when compared to the use of fossil fuels and other energy processes. One of the most used renewable energy sources is hydroelectric power. 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