Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Source Analysis - Accounts of Louis XIV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Source Analysis - Accounts of Louis XIV - Essay Example got complete opportunity of introducing and applying his own political, economic and legal policies regarding the administration of country as well as foreign affairs of the monarch. He played decisive role in both peace and war times and France observed triumphs in many wars against England, Denmark and other neighboring countries under his leadership. The grand monarchy left a legacy of financial bankruptcy for his successors, who had to pay ransom amount of his misdeeds and lust for capturing more and more territories of the neighboring countries. One of the given documents has been written by Marquise De Sevigne, who was a French aristocrat of famous Burgundian family. She had developed great taste for writing and maintained command over letter-writing and correspondence in which she used to depict the royal personalities and their activities in a dexterous and refined manner. Her letters, later published by her grand-daughter in 1725, portrayed the political situation of her times and presented significant information of some specific political issue in a prà ©cised but comprehensive way. The given letter was written in 1671 and portrays the King Louis XIV and the procedure of his court in a magnificent way. This letter was written on 26th of April, 1671, at a time when the King had decided to wage a war against Holland in order to subjugate the poor country by threatening her and seizing her territories to get heavy war indemnity and leave long term fear of France over Holland. The royal court spent a lot on such adventures and the masses had to suffer a lot in the form of heavy taxation. The poor peasantry had to bear the brunt of the extravaganza consumed on dinners and drinks of the royal adventures. The Kind went out to see his commander to remote area of Chantilly, which cost a lot to the nation. Moreover, a luxurious dinner had been planned in the forest to enjoy the moments and entertain the nobility so that their unconditional support could be

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