Monday, August 26, 2019

Research Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research Assignment - Essay Example Walker describes the relationship of mother with the daughter that gradually upturned when the mother begins to understand and recognize the thoughts of her daughters, regarding the importance of cultural values. The same theme of parent-child relationship is described in several other narratives including short stories and poems like Tillie Olsen’s short story â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing† and Ben Johnson’s poems â€Å"On My First Son† and â€Å"On My First Daughter†. The authors of these work pieces have discussed the intricate relationship of parent and their children in quite different ways, and shows depth and potential involvedness within parent-child relationships. In â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing†, Olsen depicts a mother worried about the thinking style of her child whereas â€Å"Everyday Use† tells about the mother that is happy after realizing that her daughter possesses some true feelings and thinking in her heart regarding the i mportance of cultural heritage. The poems of Ben Johnsons also talks about the parent-child relationship but in a different manner as these are written to depict the sorrow of the parents on the death of their children. The essay describes these literary works to explain the variation in the depiction of a common theme of parent-child relationship. It is unveiled that the parent-child relationship is commonly used as the central theme in various narratives; however, the topic is so deep and multifaceted that the writers have described this theme in distinct styles. It is also unveiled that regardless of children age, position and social conditions the parents always have a deep love, affection and concern for their children shown these narratives in different styles. The short story â€Å"Everyday Use† depicts the intricate relationship between mother and her two daughters. There was disagreement among them over the issue of preservation of cultural heritage that ultimately a ffected their relationships. The mother and both the daughters understand the value for traditions; however, their perspectives about the treatment of the traditional things were different from one another. The story is written in the context of political and social transformation when African Americans were struggling to preserve their cultural values and identities (Bates, p154). The family described in the story had several things that remind them of their African culture roots, while the family members regard these things as their cultural heritage. However, the standpoint of mother and both daughters were different from each other because they view the traditions and cultural heritage in different ways. The mother earlier thought that her alder daughter Dee has the sense of appreciation for the traditional treasures, and that she understands the values of cultural heritage. The younger daughter, Maggie, seems quite insensible to her mother because she thinks Maggie gives no val ue to the traditional things and just regards those as items of everyday use. The relationship of the mother grew differently with both daughters on the basis of the opinions she held for them. The mother believes that the preservation and protection of cultural heritage shows that one should have value for the memories of their ancestors, so

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