Monday, June 24, 2019

The Graduate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Graduate - Essay ExampleThe Graduate supports these arguments by ignoring all the political upheavals and concentrating on the topics of adultery and sex as the major themes of his work.The Graduate movie ignored the political movements that were taking place in the1960s. This was a time when galore(postnominal) of the European wars were coming to an end. There were many political activistics, civil rights advocates, feminist movements among others. Example of these movements included the Vietnam anti-war movements. The Graduate focuses on issues other than the political culture. It concerns with the generational gap while ignoring the counterculture movements. It attacks the film race by applying the Hollywood style thus, causing the youth of a generation to re-examine their future by altering their course of lives. The Graduate also ignored the activist movements such as anti-racism this indicates that the author was explicitly interested in issues of sex and adultery (Schuth 47).Dr. Benjamin argued that America had entered into a period of middle-class affluence that gave p bents a chance to raise their children with greater permissiveness than before. The Graduate movie focused on the adult race. Its main focus is to criticize the adult insensitivity to the graduate. The adults are portrayed as vulgar and crass. It condemns the parents inability to raise their children in a pervasive way. The upper social class is portrayed as stereotyped and botch beyond their understanding of the meaning of true love. This is further illustrated in the movie by the character of Mrs. Robinson. When Benjamin runs away with Ms. Robinson on the wedding day, Mrs. Robinson is cross with her and openly tells her daughter that her decision is wrong. However, the love that Elaine is big enough to blind her from her mothers arguments. This argument results in Mrs. Robinsons slap on her daughter. On the

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