Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Impact Of Renewable Energy - 785 Words

The Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) aimed to influence residents to convert most of the state’s energy production into renewable energy. Based on the Califonia Energy Commision, in 2006, the standard requires 20 percent of electricity retail sales to be powered by renewable energy. The standard is then further improved to a targeted percentile of 33% in 2020 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and moving forward to the current standard which is at 51% by 2030 by Governor Edmund G. Brown. As of June 2017, California is ahead of schedule and the state is currently 29% fully powered by clean energy. These data are proven by the California Energy Commission, there are no doubt that these numbers are true, but does it really contribute to the†¦show more content†¦Therefore, this model proves that if RPS was not introduced into California, there would be a massive amount of GHG emissions, more than any of the other policies in the electricity sector. Having said that, the usage of renewable energy remains a major factor in reducing carbon emissions in the country. Since most of the states in the country are still depending on fossil fuels as their main source of energy, it is crucial to execute standards such as RPS as it will definitely make a positive impact in terms of reducing carbon emissions. Although RPS is one of the major contributor in reducing GHG emissions, there is a more intensive program that reduces more GHG emissions every year, as discussed next. The cap and trade program, a more controversial and costly program which is also designed by CARB, is aiming to reduce GHG emissions to fully support their initiatives and to meet goals relating to AB32. CARB states that the cap and trade program is a market based regulation that is developed to lessen the emission of GHGs from several emitting sources. Dale Kasler (2017) from Sacramento Bee provides an insight on the program as he states that this program sets up a cap or limit onto industrial firms by providing a certain number of permits to all the firms. He also explains that firms have to eventually purchase more permits according to their needs fromShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy839 Words   |  4 Pagesamazing thing about renewable energy resources is that they do not deplete. These energy resources include energies such as hydroelectric energy, solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. The major advantage of using these resource s is that the environmental impact is extremely low when compared to the use of fossil fuels and other energy processes. One of the most used renewable energy sources is hydroelectric power. When you look at all the environmental impacts of dams, etc., they seemRead MoreThe Environmental Impact Of Renewable Energy Sources1555 Words   |  7 Pagesthe spectrum are renewable energy sources, which consist of solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and biofuels. The environmental impact of renewable energy sources is microscopic compared to the impact of fossil fuels. Specifically, I want to focus on the environmental impact of the production of electricity. Fossil fuels generated 68% of the electricity in the United States in 2013; on the other hand, renewable energy sources only produced 12.8% of the electricity (international energy agency, 2014)Read MoreWhat Is The Impact Of Renewable Energy, And What Is It Has Increase In Distribution Network?954 Words   |  4 Pagesputs up a discussion on impacts of high PV penetration level on distribution grid. High penetration of PV can cause problems such as reverse power flow, voltage rise, harmonics etc. This paper also discusses potential measures to mitigate these problems. Keywords – Distributed generation (DG), photovoltaics (PV), distribution network I. INTRODUCTION Due to growing environmental concerns, adoption of policies favoring renewables and governments incentivizing renewable energy technologies such as solarRead MoreThe Impact Of Climate Change On An Environmentally Safe Renewable Source Of Energy And Sequester Green House Gas ( Ghg )1572 Words   |  7 PagesGeoengineering techniques would buy time to develop an environmentally safe renewable source of energy and sequester Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Over the years, climate change has become more apparent resulting in massive heat waves, heavy rainfall, and glacier and sea ice melting. Undoubtedly, economic growth and the growing population have resulted in an increase in demand of energy. 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Overview of the Renewable Energy Industry in Australia The Clean Energy Council (2013), in a report on clean energy in Australia, reported that in 2013, renewable energy accounted for over 14% of Australia’s total power. Consequently, as the Clean Energy Council (2013) continues to state, more than 4.4 million households received utilized renewable energy power sources. Generally, the use of electricityRead MoreRenewable Is Sustainable For Renewable Energy1105 Words   |  5 PagesRenewable is Sustainable Soon, planet Earth will run out of the resource that once was thought to be reliable. Earth is in great danger of self destructing if there is no backup plan. This is where renewable resources come in. Renewable resources are abundant and do not damage the environment, so they are a sustainable method to produce energy. The options for renewable energy are solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal. Why should Earth abandon the systems that they have in place at theRead MoreRenewable Energy And Natural Gas1123 Words   |  5 Pagesexamined before the moral analysis is renewable energy, for example wind and solar power. Renewable energy is the least established method of generating electricity and is therefore still heavily tied up in research. By definition, renewable energy sources have a theoretically limitless amount of energy production since they do not deplete any resources through their use. This means that for as many years as humans inhabit the earth they can use renewable energies, such as solar, wind, hydro-power orRead MoreThe Effects Of Renewable Energy On The Environment1193 Words   |  5 Pagestechnologies that allow fulfillment of human needs while significantly reducing the human impact on the environment (About Green Technology, n.d.). Renewable energy can be defined as the energy generated from various natural sources such as sunlight,wind,water,geothermal heat and biomass, which are naturally replenished or renewed (What is renewable energy?, n.d.). The use of renewable energy helps in reducing the carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds that are emitted in to theRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Serious Problem1177 Words   |  5 Pagesclosely linked to their life. Renewable energy has been approached to reduce realistic global warming in Australia. It could replace fossil fuel to make power generation. Renewable energy is a kind of energy, which could be recycled in nature world. In Australia, wind energy and solar energy is two important renewable energies with its inexhaustible and clean advantages of gaining the favour of the government. (Oxford, 2016) This essay would discuss that renewable energy could reduce global warming

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Zz Packer Free Essays

ZZ Packer The Alternative Master Narrative â€Å"By our second day at Camp Crescendo, the girls in my Brownie troop had decided to kick the asses of each and every girl in Brownie Troop 909† (Packer p. 1). Not exactly how one would think a brownie girl would act, but that’s the trope, author ZZ Packer sets in every one of her stories, in Drinking Coffee Elsewhere. We will write a custom essay sample on Zz Packer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like most authors, ZZ Packer has her own style of writing. She uses similar patterns and techniques throughout her collection of short stories. I will look at two of her stories and how they relate to her style of writing. â€Å"Brownies† is a story that many people of cultural value can relate too. This short story has many moral values in it. Brownies takes place at Camp Crescendo, a summer camp for fourth graders near the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. The story is told in first person by an African American girl named Laurel, also known as Snot. On the second day of camp Laurel announces to all the girls in her Brownie Troop that they were going to â€Å"kick the asses† of every girl in the troop, who were all white girls. The black girls disliked the white girls the minute they saw them. There ringleader Arnetta, said they smell â€Å"like chihuahuas. Wet chihuahuas† (Packer p2). The black girls have seen whites before, but they’ve never really had much to do with them. Being at the camp with them was the closest encounter they’ve ever had. which made it realistic and hard to not have any hatred towards them. This story is one of Packers most obvious labels that she usually talks about. As the story goes on, it follows another patten how the narrator of the story Laurel is a loner. Ever since the first grade she has always gotten made fun of, and got the nickname â€Å"Snot†. â€Å"The Ant of the Self† is another story that Packer talks about. It follows the themes of blacks to minorities, the presence of blacks on the east coast, and the main character Spurgeon is a â€Å"loner†. The Ant of the Self is a story about Spurgeon, the intelligent son of Ray Bivens Jr. Throughout the story he finds himself carrying the burden of supporting his self centered father on his shoulders. Ray doesn’t know the true meaning of an intimate relationship and is oblivious to his own son’s needs. When thinking about a father son relationship, you would imagine love, respect, laughter, and support, but when it comes to Spurgeon and his father, their relationship can be described as a business transaction. Spurgeon always supports his father, whatever it may be and he never gets any acknowledgement from his father for being there. In the beginning of the short story Spurgeon bails his father out of jail with money that he earned, and instead of his father showing appreciation or thanking him, he tells him â€Å"Opportunities. You’ve got to invest your money if you want opportunities† (Packer p82). The car ride home his Spurgeon’s father thinks of ways of making fast money, and comes up with an idea. Spurgeon tries telling his father that it’s a bad idea, but of course he doesn’t listen. This story, like many others ends with a the lack of a â€Å"happy ending†. How to cite Zz Packer, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

A critical analysis of a variety of art forms that explore the theme of murder mystery Essay Example For Students

A critical analysis of a variety of art forms that explore the theme of murder mystery Essay In this evaluation I am drawing conclusions from the coursework I have completed. This involved undertaking a critical analysis of a variety of art forms that explore the theme of murder mystery. I will be considering how well the art form examples studied have been used in expressing this theme and the methods they have used to do that. In the context of the murder mystery theme there are four pieces of work to discuss involving visual arts, dramatic arts and verbal arts. The pieces are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The film dick Tracey à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The painting Murder by Paul Cezanne à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Yorkshire Ripper à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The play The real inspector hound by Tom Stoppard The Theme Murder and mystery are compelling themes that have always attracted interest and attention. Murder is a dark and gruesome action that can be described as evil but some killing such as destroying the enemy in a war is seen as sad but acceptable. It is all about death and that has a morbid fascination for people as there is something horrible about it. Its like a nightmare that is unpleasant but also exciting at the same time. We like to talk about it and wonder about it but we dont like it to happen to us. Because it is criminal it is also often associated with stories myths and mysteries. Who done it has always been a popular theme in fiction and in reality when murders cannot be solved and when people try to get away with it. Because it is awful and fascinating at the same time it is part of human life that is often covered in art forms. This is probably an attempt to try and make sense of something so cruel but also passionate Dick Tracey As a character Dick Tracey is an example of murder mystery through the detective story and crime genre. He is depicted as a good guy battling against bad guys and solving puzzles that bring murderers to justice. To do that he has to unpick a mystery and the way he does that by following clues and eliminating possibilities to get his man or woman is dramatic and satisfying. It keeps you guessing and ends up with the truth. This means the audience is taken through a story and is drawn into a dodgy world of gangsters and danger but where there is hope because in the end the good guy wins. The film uses visual art imaginatively to capture the mood and atmosphere of the time and to carry the audience into the drama and the mystery. It does this by evoking a time, a place and a culture of gangster America through the costumes, sets, cars, props the dialogue of the characters and there manner and behaviour. You know it is a story because it is a bit over the top but this isnt a mistake it is a way of getting the audience to know it is fictional and that gives it a lighter atmosphere than if it was real. The lighting and the moody style of some of the characters give a mysterious atmosphere and help the audience enter into the fantasy of the underworld. People know it is fantasy but they can for a while get into that and enjoy that. The Murder by Paul Cezanne This is visual art that depicts murder and mystery quite powerfully. Good visual art is atmospheric this means that it doesnt just show images but it captures moods and feelings. To do this a picture needs to suggest things and make you wonder about it. The murder does this through its title, the bleak and moody colours, the way action and movement is captured and the intensity of the positioning of the figures. .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 , .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .postImageUrl , .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 , .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669:hover , .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669:visited , .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669:active { border:0!important; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669:active , .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669 .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1c42899d7fb8867fe038655d09e6b669:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Louisiana Purchase EssayThey are overpowering the victim who is powerless and this is horrible to see. It is an effective dramatic way of showing mystery. The Yorkshire Ripper Unlike the other three pieces studied the incident of the Yorkshire ripper is not fiction it is real. Its about real murders and real mysteries. The story of the ripper could be told in a book or a film or a radio broadcast. I chose to do it through a mocked up newspaper article. This was an opportunity to explore visual art through picture, layout and language. By using headings and typeface it was possible to make the story visually interesting and then adding in pictures and graphics gave it excitement and emphasised the bits I wanted to emphasise. It brought the drama out of the story. This is a creative way of communicating and made me realise how much power newspaper editors have in shaping stories. The Real Inspector Hound As a play this piece shows dramatic and verbal art in action. It uses the theme of murder and mystery to tell a dramatic story and to take the audience through a mystery. It is packed with double meanings and uses language and action to entertain the audience. The plot is complicated and confusing so you dont really know what the truth is. The characters add to the mystery and you wonder what is really going on. Although it is showing murder it is quite light-hearted and this makes it a satisfying and exciting experience for the audience. The direction on the stage with the positioning of the actors and the inclusion of double plots is a method that can be used in theatre to strengthen and add to the experience of mystery. You are left wondering what is really going on and who has killed who? Drama is an art form that allows directors to interact with an audience like this and manipulate peoples experiences through the actions, behaviour and language of the characters. Conclusion I have been studying how different art forms can be used to depict themes in this case murder and mystery. The pieces above all do this by telling a story that is based on something that fits within this theme but they use different methods, techniques and styles to achieve it. By doing this work I have learnt that there are a variety of possibilities in the different art forms that are used to communicate with people and affect them. Good pieces of art do this by fascinating people and causing them to wonder about something, to think twice. The main techniques that I have identified that do this in the pieces I have analyised include: Visual art Colour, motion, action, lighting, space, layout, graphics, position Verbal art Speech, dialogue, language, emphasis, accent, volume intensity Dramatic art Behaviour, character, positioning, scenery, costume, personality, presence, interaction While these are different things they are often used together to create a stronger impact. They also have common themes and link together because they are all ways of communicating by catching peoples attention and affecting how they feel and what they think. Murder and mystery are dark things that worry and frighten people but also fascinate them. These art forms are ways of exploring some of these areas of human feelings and behaviours.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Water Level Indicator free essay sample

Generally when we are pumping liquids like water or may be any other liquid is we need a human to see whether the tank is filled or not or we will place a overflow pipe to know that the tank is fill or not in case of water tank and we get confirmed from the water coming from overflow pipe that the has been filled. ere is lots of wastage of water and still we need a human to have a look  over it and so to avoid this and to save wastage of water or any other liquid that is being filled. Here is a simple circuit for liquid level alarm this circuit only tells us when the tank is full with a beep sound. It is built around two BC547 transistors (T1 and T2) and two timer 555 ICs(IC1 and IC2). Both IC1 and IC2 are wired in a stable multi vibrator mode. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Level Indicator or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Timer IC1 produces low frequency, while timer IC2 produces high frequency. As a result, a beeping tone is generated when the liquid tank is full. Initially, when the tank is empty, transistor T1 does not conduct. Consequently, transistor T2 conducts and pin 4 of IC1 is low. This low voltage disables IC1 and it does not oscillate. The low output of IC1 disables IC2 and it does not oscillate. As a result, no sound is heard from the speaker. But when the tank gets filled up, transistor T1 conducts. Consequently, transistor T2 is cut off and pin 4 of IC1 becomes high. This high voltage enablesIC1 and it oscillates to produce low frequencies at pin 3. This low-frequency output enables IC2and it also oscillates to produce high frequencies. As a result, sound is produced from the speaker. Using preset VR1 we can control the volume of the sound from the speaker. The circuit can be powered from a 9V battery or from mains by using a 9V power adaptor. This circuit can  be easily designed and it is easy to Assemble the circuit on a general purpose PCB and we can enclose it in a suitable cabinet. The circuit is as shown below. Circuit of water level indicator 2) CIRCUIT DIAGARM: 3) How it works: The circuit contains I. Bc547 transistors II. Ic 555 timers III. Resistors IV. Capacitors V. Speaker/Buzzer/alarm VI. 9v power supply(battery/ 9v adaptor) VII. Preset VIII. PCB Here we will install two water-level probes using metal strips such that one touches the bottom of the tank and the other touches the maximum level of the water in the tank. Interconnect the sensor and the circuit using a flexible wire as shown in above circuit diagram. hen tank is empty or until the liquid touches the probe present at maximum level the transistor T1 doesn’t conducts and then output is high at collector of transistor T1, this drives the transistor T2 and transistor T2is in on state, and the output at collector of transistor will be low and as it is connected to  pin4(reset pin) this disables ic1(555timer) and output at pin3 which is also low and as it is connected to pin4 of ic2(555tim er) and the output is also low at pin3and it does not produce any sound . When the water or liquid level touches the second probe which is at maximum liquid level, the transistor T1 conducts and then output is low at collector of transistor T1, this drives the transistor T2 into cutoff and transistor T2 is in off state, and the output at collector of  transistor will be high and as it is connected to pin4(reset pin) this enables ic1(555timer) and output at pin3 which is also high and as it is connected to pin4 of ic2(555timer) and the output is  produced at pin3and it produces sound. nd by hearing sound we can confirm that the tank is filled with liquid and we can stop filling it. Also we need a human to switch on and off the  pumping of water, instead of speaker we can use a automatic switch which can switch off the  pumping automatically. 4) COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION: A) IC 555 TIMER The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element. Derivatives provide up to four timing circuits in one package. Introduced in 1972 by Signetics, the 555 is still in widespread use, thanks to its ease of use, low price, and good stability. It is now made by many companies in the original bipolar and also in low-power CMOS types. As of 2003, it was estimated that 1 billion units are manufactured every year. ? PIN DIAGRAM: Pin 1 (Ground): Connects to the 0v power supply. Pin 2 (Trigger): Detects 1/3 of rail voltage to make output HIGH. Pin 2 has control over pin 6. If pin 2 is LOW, and pin 6 LOW,   output goes and stays HIGH. If pin 6 HIGH, and pin 2 goes LOW, output goes LOW while pin 2 LOW. This pin has a very high impedance (about 10M) and will trigger with about 1uA. Pin 3 (Output): (Pins 3 and 7 are in phase. ) Goes HIGH (about 2v less than rail) and LOW (about 0. 5v less than 0v) and will deliver up to 200mA. Pin 4 (Reset): Internally connected HIGH via 100k. Must be taken below 0. 8v to reset the chip. Pin 5 (Control): A voltage applied to this pin will vary the timing of the RC network (quite considerably). Pin 6 (Threshold): Detects 2/3 of rail voltage to make output LOW only if pin 2 is HIGH. This pin has a very high impedance (about 10M) and will trigger with about 0. uA. Pin 7 (Discharge): Goes LOW when pin 6 detects 2/3 rail voltage but pin 2 must be HIGH. If pin 2 is HIGH, pin 6 can be HIGH or LOW and pin 7 remains LOW. Goes OPEN (HIGH) and stays HIGH when pin 2 detects 1/3 rail voltage (even as a LOW pulse) when pin 6 is LOW. (Pins 7 and 3 are in phase. ) Pin 7 is equal to pin 3 but pin 7 does not go high it goes OPEN. But it goes LOW and will sink about 200mA. Pin 8 (Supply):Connects to the positive power supply (Vs). This can be any voltage between 4. 5V and 15V DC, but is commonly 5V DC when working with digital IC. INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM: The LM555 is a highly stable controller capable of producing accurate timing pulses. With a mono stable operation, the time delay is controlled by one external resistor and one capacitor. This device features: Adjustable Duty Cycle, Turn off Time Less Than 2? Sec, Temperature Stability of 0. 005%/ °C, High Current Drive Capability (200mA) and Timing From ? Sec to Hours. The LM555 timer is applicable for Precision Timing, Time Delay Generation, Sequential Timing and Pulse Generation. The above schematic shows the LM555 Timer Internal Circuit Block Diagram. The Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25 °C) of LM555 are as follows: |Parameter |Value | |Supply Voltage |16V | |Lead Temperature (Soldering 10sec)|300 °C | | |600mW | |Power Dissipation |(0 ~ +70) °C | |Operating Temperature Range |(-65 ~ +150) °C | |Storage Temperature Range | | | | | | | | | | | ? FEATURES: o High Current Drive Capability (200mA o Adjustable Duty Cycle o Temperature Stability of 0. 005%/ °C o Timing From  µSec to Hours o Turn off Time Less Than 2 µSec ? APPLICATION: o Precision Timing o Pulse Generation o Time Delay Generation o Sequential Timing B) BC 547 TRANSISTOR: [pic] |TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: | |The BC547 transistor is an NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor. The BC547 transistor is a general-purpose transistor in a small| |plastic packages. It is used in general-purpose switching and amplification BC847/BC547 series 45 V, 100 mA NPN | |general-purpose transistors. | |The BC547 transistor is an NPN bipolar transistor, in which the letters N and P refer to the majority charge carriers | |inside the different regions of the transistor. Most bipolar transistors used today are NPN, because electron mobility is | |higher than hole mobility in semiconductors, allowing greater currents and faster operation. NPN transistors consist of a | |layer of P-doped semiconductor (the base) between two N-doped layers. A small current entering the base in common-emitter | |mode is amplified in the collector output. In other terms, an NPN transistor is on when its base is pulled high relative | |to the emitter. The arrow in the NPN transistor symbol is on the emitter leg and points in the direction of the conventional| |current flow when the device is in forward active mode. One mnemonic device for identifying the symbol for the NPN | |transistor is not pointing in. An NPN transistor can be considered as two diodes with a shared anode region. In typical | |operation, the emitter base junction is forward biased and the base collector junction is reverse biased. In an NPN | |transistor, for example, when a positive voltage is applied to the base emitter junction, the equilibrium between thermally | |generated carriers and the repelling electric field of the depletion region becomes unbalanced, allowing thermally excited | |electrons to inject into the base region. These electrons wander (or diffuse) through the base from the region of high | |concentration near the emitter towards the region of low concentration near the collector. The electrons in the base are | |called minority carriers because the base is doped p-type which would make holes the majority carrier in the base | BC547 TRANSISTOR CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC SYMBOL | |[pic] | |BC547 TRANSISTOR PINOUTS | |[pic] | |BC547 TRANSISTOR SOURCES | |The BC547 is very common and manufactured by ON Semi, Fairchild, and NXP. They can be purchased in small quantity for $. 03 | |to $. 20 depending on variation Mouser, Digikey both stock the BC547 samples. | | | C) RESISTOR: | | [pic] | |A typical axial-lead resistor | [pic]A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. The current through a resistor is in direct proportion to the voltage across the resistors terminals. This relationship is represented by Ohms law: [pic] where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conducto r in units of ohms. The ratio of the voltage applied across a resistors terminals to the intensity of current in the circuit is called its resistance, and this can be assumed to be a constant (independent of the voltage) for ordinary resistors working within their ratings. Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous in electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as nickel-chrome). Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can also be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits. D) CAPACITOR: A capacitor (originally known as condenser) is a passive two-terminal electrical component used to store energy in an electric field. The forms of practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two electrical conductors separated by a dielectric (insulator); for example, one common construction consists of metal foils separated by a thin layer of insulating film. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. When there is a potential difference (voltage) across the conductors, a static electric field develops across the dielectric, causing positive charge to collect on one plate and negative charge on the other plate. Energy is stored in the electrostatic field. An ideal capacitor is characterized by a single constant value, capacitance, measured in farads. This is the ratio of the electric charge on each conductor to the potential difference between them. Capacitors are widely used in electronic circuits for blocking direct current while allowing alternating current to pass, in filter networks, for smoothing the output of power supplies, in the resonant circuits that tune radios to particular frequencies, in electric power transmission systems for stabilizing voltage and power flow, and for many other purposes. The capacitor is a reasonably general model for electric fields within electric circuits. An ideal capacitor is wholly characterized by a constant capacitance C, defined as the ratio of charge  ±Q on each conductor to the voltage V between them: [pic] Sometimes charge build-up affects the capacitor mechanically, causing its capacitance to vary. In this case, capacitance is defined in terms of incremental changes: [pic] E) PRESET: A preset is a three legged electronic component which can be made to offer varying resistance in a circuit. The resistance is varied by adjusting the rotary control over it. The adjustment can be done by using a small screw driver or a similar tool. The resistance does not vary linearly but rather varies in exponential or logarithmic manner. Such variable resistors are commonly used for adjusting sensitivity along with a sensor. The variable resistance is obtained across the single terminal at front and one of the two other terminals. The two legs at back offer fixed resistance which is divided by the front leg. So whenever only the back terminals are used, a preset acts as a fixed resistor. Presets are specified by their fixed value resistance. Pin Diagram: F) BUZZER: A buzzer or beeper is an audio signalling device, which may be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric. Typical uses of buzzers and beepers include alarm devices, timers and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke. Mechanical A joy buzzer is an example of a purely mechanical buzzer. Electromechanical Early devices were based on an electromechanical system identical to an electric bell without the metal gong. Similarly, a relay may be connected to interrupt its own actuating current, causing the contacts to buzz. Often these units were anchored to a wall or ceiling to use it as a sounding board. The word buzzer comes from the rasping noise that electromechanical buzzers made. Piezoelectric Piezoelectric disk beeper A piezoelectric element may be driven by an oscillating electronic circuit or other audio signal source, driven with a piezoelectric audio amplifier. Sounds commonly used to indicate that a button has been pressed are a click, a ring or a beep. G) PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD: [pic] A printed circuit board, or  PCB, is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, tracks, or  traces ,etched   from copper sheets laminated on to a non-conductive substrate. It is also referred to as printed wiring board(PWB) or  etched wiring board. A PCB populated with electronic components is a printed circuit assembly(PCA), also known as a printed circuit board assemble(PCBA). PCBs are inexpensive, and can be highly reliable. They require much more layout effort and higher initial cost than either  wire-wrapped or  Ã‚  point-to-point constructed   circuits, but are much cheaper and faster for high-volume production. Much of the electronics industrys PCB design, assembly, and quality control needs are set by standards that are published by the IPC organization. 5) SCOPE: This circuit only indicates the amount of water present in the over head tank, It gives an alarm when the tank is full. This worthy device starts ringing as soon as the water tank becomes full. It helps to check overflow and wastage of  water by warning the customer when the tank is about to brim. ? Now no need to go on the roof to look the water level. ? Alarm starts ringing as soon as tank becomes full. ? Suitable for every tank. ? Easy to make and economical circuit.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Adolescent Suicide essays

Adolescent Suicide essays Becoming a teacher, entering into a wonderful profession, also deals with many difficult issues. The problems faced by the adolescents of today has greatly changed, and even increased, from earlier times. Adolescent suicide is a dreadful, and ghastly problem that, as an educator, numerous will run into. It raises many questions: What are the statistics, and in what ways do children attempt to carry out a suicide? What are the reasons behind it? What are the warning signs to look for? Is there a difference between males and females? Does educating the children about suicide increase the rate? Are these children mentally ill or possibly depressed? What should be taken seriously? Is an attempt just seeking attention? What ways can a teacher, or a person close to them, help? The statistics, that scare any rational human being, involve a number and percentage that is much too large, and it is the second leading cause of death for adolescents among the ages of 15 to 19. It is also the second for college students, with homicide being the third. It is the fourth leading cause for those 10 to 14 years old, and the rate has more than tripled since the 1950s. As of September 1999, the rate was 13.8 per 100,000 children that committed suicide. For 10 to 14 year olds, from 1980 to 1992, it increased 120%. Although, over the last decade, it has gone up a total of 200%. Some of the ways these children either attempt or commit suicide depends on what is available. A myth that suicide is painless, glorifying it in the movies does not help, and it does not relate to the fact that many methods chosen are very painful. The reality is, pills, drugs, hangings, guns, or most of the many ways, involve agony and hurting. Having a firearm in the house also contributes to the chance that they will use it. Out of the suicide victims, ages 10 to 24, there are 64% that use a gun to complete the act. Just having a weapon in the ho...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Age Constraints on Second-Language Acquisition

Age Constraints on Second-Language Acquisition Introduction: The main topic of this study is to see if the age in which a child immigrates to America has any affect on their relationship with English. The authors tested native Korean speakers, all of whom moved to the United States at various ages on their understanding of English syntax and phonology. They were testing them to see if the critical period hypothesis stands. The critical period hypothesis rests on the belief that as a person matures, their brain begins to become lessÂÂ   plastic, and as the brain loses neural plasticity, it also loses its second language learning ability.ÂÂ   (Scovel, 1988; Patkowski, 1980, 1990). However, others believe that second language learning ability is related to how often the second language is actually implemented into conversations (Oyama, 1979; Flege, 1987, 1988, 1995, 1998b; Bialystok, 1997). The authors are trying to see which of these two theories are valid; the maturational theory or the interactive theory. While bot h theories have yielded supporting evidence, there is not enough data to know which theory is more valid. Also, it is difficult to test the critical period theory because there can be multiple factors contributing to why a child is unable to acquire language past a certain age. The authors hypothesis is that age of arrival does have an affect on the relationship they will have with English as their second language. Methods: The authors tested 240 native Korean speakers. All of these people had immigrated to America between the ages of 1 and 3, and had lived in America for at least 8 years. Their age at the time of testing ranged from 17 to 47 years old. There were also 24 native English speakers in the study, and their ages ranged from 20-45. They used the discontinuity theory for this study. The discontinuity theory is the idea that development occurs in a series of distinct stages rather than gradually in a continuous process. The participants were split into 10 groups based o n their age of arrival to the United States. Most of the participants completed high school in the United States, and many also went on to higher education in the US as well. Participants were tested on an individual basis by bilingual Korean-English research assistants in an hour and a half study session. The participants were asked to repeat English sentences that were later examined by 22.05 kHz where they were normalized for peak intensity. They were thenÂÂ   judged by native English speakers for degree of foreign accent by having them rate the sentences on a scale 1-9 from strong foreign accent to no accent. Now to test their morphosyntax, the participants were asked to take a 144 item grammaticality judgement test. In the test, they had a recording of a man speaking both grammatical and ungrammatical sentences, and the participants had to judge which were grammatical, and which were not. These were the two methods used to test if age of arrival had any effect on the relat ionship of learning English as a second language. Discussion: The aim of this study was to see if the age in which a person moved to the United States had any impact on their relationship with learning English as a second language. In the study, the authors tested 240 Native Korean speakers to see if their age of arrival affected the way they learned English as their second language. They were tested on their phonology by examining their accent for degree of foreign accent as well as their understanding of English morphology by having the participants take a 144 item grammaticality judgment test. The results showed that age of arrival had more of an impact on the participants morphosyntactic understanding compared to their phonological understanding. Based off the data, we could conclude that age of arrival definitely affects a persons relationship with learning English as a second language. This finding definitely supports the idea that a critical period exists when it comes to learning a second language. One problem with the study is that it does not explain why morphosyntactic understanding was affected more than phonological understanding. There could be a number of reasons contributing to this, and it is still unknown exactly why this is the case. I think that this study really helped to prove that there is a correlation between the age of arrival and ability to pick up a second language. However, more research needs to be conducted in order to understand exactly what factors are causing difficulties to arise in being able to learn a second language after a certain age. Also, more research could be done to find out exactly what age it is that second language learning ability starts to decrease. References: Flege, J. E., Yeni-Komshian, G. H., & Liu, S. (1999). Age Constraints on Second-Language Acquisition. Journal of Memory and Language , 41, 78-104

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What was the most valuable thing that you learned in BUS656 this term Essay

What was the most valuable thing that you learned in BUS656 this term - Essay Example This concept provides numerous ways to create market segments that can be used to leverage business potential. The highlighted point is that of defensible market segments, which would actually help in capturing market share for a large as well as small business. The defensible market segments not only create business but also sideline competition from others in the industry. Creation of defensible market segments allows a particular business to stay on the top until competitors surpass the defensible segments with better products and/or customers’ needs change. Defensible segments can be of value with the positioning strategy of the business, especially in weak market segments. Understanding customers’ buying behavior and needs help in creating defensible segments. In addition, customer behavior in terms of frequency of purchase, attitude towards a particular product and a new product of the same brand can be advantageous to creation of defensible market strategy. Positioning strategy of products aimed at defensible segments provides opportunity to increase market share of new products. Greater product differentiation and an established brand automatically increase purchase size of customers, but cannot create defensible segments. This module highlighted the significance of defensible segments and acquiring market share as well as identifying market segments that can be used to find a slot for a particular product. Understanding markets will also help in designing products to meet the market/customer demands, which may be used for positioning the products. Once the market and customer needs are identified, it becomes simpler to find positioning strategies accordingly. It is difficult to capture greater market share of products that create defensible segments. Here, a strong positioning strategy would be of great value for the business. Positioning strategy helps in putting

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Model Penal Code Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Model Penal Code Questions - Assignment Example Here, Joe’s conduct does not satisfy any of the two conditions. First, a substantial step in this case might involve gathering a significant number of materials that ought to be present in committing arson which is hugely deficient in this case. This is because both the gasoline and the book on â€Å"prosecution and defense of arson case† fail miserably to satisfy this condition. This is because Joe can argue that the gasoline is for his car that he normally carries, not to mention the fact that we are not even told that it had gasoline in it which further weakens the prosecution case for arson against Joe. He can also argue that the book was in his car for purposes of a case he is handling in arson and not necessarily meant to prepare him in advance of how to handle the consequences that will follow in case he make good his threat. Second, the activities revolving this whole scenario are not â€Å"strongly corroborative† of the proposition that he intended to bu rn down the firm. This is because as much as his wife and the colleague who overheard him issuing threat to the effect that he was going to ‘torch ‘the firm premises might testify to show intention, that in itself cannot be taken on face value if there is no more acts to corroborate. His going there at night cannot also be used against him because he can comfortably claim that it was part of his winding up that was expected of him as he prepared to quit in two months time. 2. A. The charge of perjury will only be entertained if only the woman can corroborate the allegation of falsehood on the side of his ex-husband. Otherwise it would not be possible to convince the trial judge that indeed the ex-husband lied if he is to get a perjury conviction against her husband. B. The question that we need to belabor in this case concerns the materiality, or lack of it, of this case. This is because a falsehood that does not meet the ‘material’ element cannot sustain a perjury conviction. This is because despite having a prior felony record nowhere does this state insinuate that he is likely to be inclined to either side in his testimony. This therefore shows that the false testimony does not affect the credibility of Franklin’s evidence as a witness and therefore not material, and therefore unable to sustain a perjury conviction against him. C. Once again, we are supposed to establish the materiality of the false testimony in the trial. First, the arresting officer’s racial bias has nothing to do with the crime that the Mexican faces unless it can be proved that he arrested the Mexican as an extension of his racial bias. Second, the racial bias against the Mexican will have no material element if it can be proved that indeed the Mexican committed whatever crime he is accused of committing. 3. Both Al and Gus can be charged with attempted armed robbery. This is because Gus uses a ‘deadly weapon’ to intimidate cashier int o surrendering money. It does not matter whether he was using a toy pistol to intimidate the cashier, all what matter is the fact that he made the cashier believe that he was in great danger of being shot if he did not agreed to surrender the money. Gus on the other hand would also face charges of attempted armed r

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Income inequality Essay Example for Free

Income inequality Essay It is the report which is talking about income inequality. It is global income inequality is increasing. Besides that that’s is more information about measurement for the income inequality The relationship between the income inequality and economic growth Technological change and globalisation partly on income inequality, Way to reduce the income inequality, Causes of income inequality, and High income inequality gap-Latin America. Mostly it is all about the income inequality in this assignment is telling about the income inequality. Income inequality Income inequality is about the measurement of people’s household or individual based on their income across the various participants in an economy. It is also known as the gap between the rich and poor, wealth and poverty, the different of income between populations or individual (Ram, R. (1988)). Measurement To measure the income inequality have to use the Gini coefficient which developed by Italian statistician in 1912. The Gini coefficient is measuring the income inequality based on the value of a frequency distribution (for example levels of income). The value of the Gini coefficient is between the range 0 to 1. Therefore, 0 that means â€Å"perfect equality ’’ which every person is getting the same income and 1 that means â€Å"perfect inequality’’ which is all income change to the share of the population with the highest income. The Gini coefficient is also to be used for to measure wealth inequality. This use of Gini coefficient requires that no one has a negative net wealth. Besides that, the Gini index often used which is the Gini coefficient expressed as a percentage, but it is equal to the Gini coefficient multiplied by 100. (Most of the time people are using the Gini index for calculating the income inequality. ) Graph1(source:http://people. stfx. ca) The graph above shows that the Gini coefficient is equal to the area which is shaded to the yellow colour. The relationship between the income inequality and economic growth Graph 2(source : author’s calculation) The graph above is showing the relationship between the income inequality and economic growth. Besides that, the graph above is showing the improvement in the Gini of 0. 01 costs 1. 6 per cent per year in per capita economic growth which mean economic growth improves may affect the income inequality. The relationships between the income inequality and economic growth have a very strong gap sometimes. That means change of economic growth would affect the income inequality. Therefore, the economic growth will reduce the income inequality when the salary of the lowest paid rise faster than the average wage. Besides that, the economic growth can increase the job opportunity for people to reduce the level of unemployment in the social. Economic growth often creates the job opportunity for those people who are high skilled and educated. After job opportunity increased can make the level of poverty decreased and reduce the income inequality. Enhancing the growth of economic may raise the income inequality such as increasing the flexibility of wage determination. The growth of economic is showing the extension for flexibility of wage determination. To increase the wage of employee may reduce the income inequality but it also made the labour cost increased for the employer. Increasing the wage agreement to firms may make some employers have to pay the highly salary of employee. This action may increase the unemployment and affected productivity of the company decreasing because labour cost too high makes the employer hard to endure (Murtin et al. , 2012). graph 3 The graph above is showing the global income inequality is increasing from the year 1820 to the year 2008. The Gini coefficient is increasing that mean income inequality is increasing at the same time. But, sometime the economic growth may not reduce the income inequality. It is because the Economic Growth will not necessarily solve unemployment. For example, growth cannot solve structural and frictional unemployment it is because unemployment (structural and frictional) which caused by lack of skills and geographical immobility. Technological change and globalisation partly on income inequality The current technology with globalisation might rise in the market equipment and create the boosting top incomes. (Rosen, 1981; Gordon and Dew-Becker, 2008). These days, the the change of technology is affecting too fast, however it can also influence the income inequality. It is due to inclined the job opportunity for people who high skilled, but also increasing the unemployment. For instance, those who have not high-skilled workers might drop their work due to the same repetitive happens that may be running on the technologies, technological for achieving the target. Thus the desires for those workers can decline due to the change of technological. Likewise, to estimate for both highly-skilled and low-skilled workers need to focus respective work even the technology change, both of them might difficult to replace by machines or lose their job. If the demand shift is not offset by the equal shift related to the labour supply, change in technology can lead to reduction in salary. (e. g. Autor et al. , 2006, Goos et al. , 2009). At the same time, the globalisation may also increase the income inequality. 1) The offshoring (change the national). It is talking about people from richer countries move to poorer countries or poorer country move to richer country. The offshoring happen because skill intensive in their country. For example, some people from the perspective of the skill-poor country may move to rich country for searching the job opportunity. For the conclusion, offshoring makes labour demand more skill intensive in both poorer and richer countries, thus it is increasing the income inequality in both groups of countries (Feenstra and Hanson, 1996). 2) Sometime, the firms are making a different in their profitability which can make the low-income workers work in satisfaction and create low-productivity firms. That would make the firm lose their competitor compare to the other company. At the same time, it may increase labour income inequality by lowering or reducing the employment (e. g. Egger and Kreickemeier,2009; Helpman et al. , 2010). Improvement of the Globalisation and technological change may further raise the income inequality. Besides that, technology may go to the globalisation but it is also increasing the competition between companies to the company in the world, that mean globalisation for technology may force firms to Innovate. Therefore, the Innovation is increasing the labour income inequality both temporarily – since RD is skill intensive (Dinopoulos and Segerstrom, 1999; Neary, 2003) and it provided the RD results in skill-biased on technological change as discussed above (Acemoglu, 2002). Caused of income inequality -Different religion, region, language and gender In Indian have many different of culture, race, religion and language. This situation is making the Indian citizen get a different education or maybe some of don’t even have the opportunity to study. It is because different of culture, race, religion language and sex in Indian might made some of them didn’t get the chance to study or educated. At the same, this kind of diversity is making a trouble to access to education and chance of employment might decrease also at the same time. This is calling the kind of discrimination. The different is making the people in suffer from significant of inequality in employment, education and income. This kind of situation is increasing because different family background might made the living standard become harder and difficult, caused the income increasing in India (Desai Kulkarni, 2008). -Technology The technology is improving all the time, but it also is decreasing the opportunity of job for people who are unskilled and limited educated. The company have to increase productivity to satisfy the demand from market. A lot of companies are investing to the technology to increase their productivity and growth in their business. Therefore, the number of automatic machine increasing is decreasing the job for those people who are working in manual, handy, limited educated and unskilled. In the same time, the service job could increasing because the technology improvement and factory job such as manual and handy is reducing. The service increased but it is just a low pay job. Technology is increasing the income inequality and it is replaced many worker in factory in U. S (WSJ, Technology, Not Globalization,Feeds Income Inequality, July 24, 2008). -Education The raising of education level is the most efficient way to reduce the income inequality. It is because the education has the great relation to the income distribution. The investment in education can made the income inequality decreased and lowers the level of poverty. People who is educated can get a higher opportunity to get a job compared to those are limited educated. It is important to send the child to the school and educated for increasing their intelligence and knowledge for achieving their ambition. In Brazil have a high inequality of income because average of citizen of Brazil attends fewer year to school compared to other. Number of Brazilian is increasing compared to the other country compared to the Latin America (Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros of International Development Economics Associates, 2001) -Price Stability The price stability is also known as inflation problem. In Brazil, inflation happens is making the poor getting poorer but the rich getting richer. It is because when facing the inflation problem or price instability, the company (rich) is following the same contract of wage or income to pay the salary to their employee (poor). Therefore, the poor have to reduce their living standard with their unchanged pay or real lower wages. At the same time, the investor (rich) can move their financial to other country for more opportunity to protect their money during the inflation. But, the poorer citizens have to work in a harder situation so it is difficult for them to escape poverty. (Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros of International Development Economics Associates, 2001) -Impact of Social Benefits In China, government have to provide a lot of benefit to their citizen. For example of social benefit, it is more like social insurance income or pension benefit. Caused of population increased and economic reforms need a greater financial to stimulate the economic growth. Therefore, have to reduce the social benefit such as pension benefit. It is big impact those are affected and increasing the income inequality. At the same time, not only the pension benefits government of China have to reduce the other social benefits such house benefit, health benefits, food assistance and other when have to improve the economic growth but increase income inequality (Gao 2006). http://www. networkideas. org/ideasact/jun07/beijing_conference_07/carl_riskin. pdf Way to reduce income inequality -Immigration Immigration policy would make United States reduce the income inequality. To let in more immigrants who is highly educated and skill will making more job to the America workers. More immigrants don’t mean reduce the opportunity of job to the America workers because it is creating more jobs to those people who are limited educated and limited skill at the same time. While immigrants are highly educated came to America such as: doctor, engineers, lawyer, entrepreneurs and other may increasing the job opportunity to the citizen of America who is limited educated. The job for United State people could increase caused by the immigrants system. Therefore, reducing the number of workers (immigrants) who is limited education might reducing the income inequality to the America because created more opportunity for those people who is limited education and unskilled. (Enrico Moretti is the Michael Peevey and Donald Vial Chair in Labor Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of â€Å"The New Geography of Jobs† (2012). ) -Education In the France that strategy been used make sure every citizen in the country might get the chance to study or educated. It is the one of way to reduce the income inequality which has to be start on education. The education is very important because it can the people in the country to improve their living standards; reduce the income inequality at the same time. New analysis is showing that an increasing for the job opportunity for people with education is associated which is making a decline in labour Earnings inequality in France (Fournier and Koske, 2012). An education is giving to every citizen for get a higher chance to get the job opportunity might reduce the income inequality. -Protecting Our Poor, Elderly and Women to Reduce Income Inequality In Singapore is making the new job for those women, elder worker, and poor people to find and obtain a new job. It is helping them to avoid poverty but have to reduce their salary in their new job. This kind of policy is enabling those workers such as migrants, women, and elder worker to get an income and escape poverty. In the labour market, giving the new job for those people might increase the productivity in Singapore and reduces the income inequality at the same time. But a new job in low pay is providing for that unemployment or can’t find the job; women have been terminated in their job because of pregnancy, and unconscionably obtuse of the elder employee. Have to pay in low wage because their productivity in work also reducing but it still can helped them to continue their live or living (SINGAPORE POPULATION WHITE PAPER, 2013) -Heavy-industry-oriented development strategy In China is starting the strategy of heavy-industry-oriented development to increase the speed of pace of industrialization. To focus of heavy-industry-oriented development strategy, China is increasing the amount of resource from the agriculture. At the same time, it is increasing the opportunity of job. It is because it is some kind of investment to increase the productivity of China by heavy-industry-oriented development which is providing by China government. To run the strategy, the government of China is moving the industry to the less developed rural regions for increasing the job opportunity for those people over there and reducing the income inequality. To reduce the region income inequality, the strategy of heavy-industry-oriented development might carry on rural region to increase their job opportunity. To increasing the growth of economic in China, have to increase the job opportunity for those are employment and increasing the productivity in China. This may decrease the income inequality gap in China (Yang 2002). Conclusion The information above is showing the income inequality is increasing in the world. The income inequality is making people become poorer for those are poor and make the people become richer for those are rich. Therefore it is the economic issue including the outcome, earning and economic growth. It is why income inequality is the one of target or problem for macroeconomic to solve. Reference -Ram, R. (1988) http://www. collinsdictionary. com/dictionary/english/income-inequality -Graph1 http://people. stfx. ca -Graph 2 (source : author’s calculation) -Murtin et al. , 2012 http://www. oecd. org/eco/labour/49421421. pdf

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ray Bradburys The Martian Chronicles :: Martian Chronicles Essays

Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles        Ã‚   Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles shows us not only a different world from Earth and Mars, but also the future of America.   Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles depicts the colonization of Mars in terms of the colonizationof America.   The story is similar to what America experienced, such as thediscovery of America, the invasion of Indian colonies, and the new civilization.Dana's response paper also discussed the colonization of Mars.Other critics also pointed out that Bradbury's theme in the story was death.Through futuristic imagination, Bradbury applies connections to American historyand the issue of death in his story while raising concerns and warnings of thefuture.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Bradbury developed the setting of the story similar to Earth as far aslandscape, atmosphere, and people in order to emphasize his intentions.   Themartians are described as if they are American Indians at the time of theAmerican Revolution.   For example, in the beginning of the story, Bradburydepicts Martians "they had the fair, brownish skin of the true Martian, the yellowcoin eyes, the soft musical voices."   The trees, the towns in Mars, and the grassare all described like Earth landscape.   Bradbury's Mars is a mirror of Earth.These plots raise moral issues and reflections of how history may repeat itself.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bradbury portrays Mars as humankind's second world, where we may goafter our Earthly existence.   In the episode of "April 2000: The third expedition,"Captain John Black's mother said "you get a second chance to live" (pp.44).Lustig's grandmother said "ever since we died" (pp.40).   Humans have a naturalfear of death.   S ome humans may even have a death wish.   Bradbury reveals histhought of death through the connection between Mars and Earth.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, Bradbury warns us of ourfuture.   In the episode of "June 2000: And the Moon ve still as bright," CaptainWilder said, "one day Earth will be as Mars is today...It's an object lesson incivilizations.   We'll learn from Mars" (pp. 55).   Throught the story, Earth man,especially American think that they are superior than the Martian.   Earth mancan do anything and knows everyting.   However, Bradbury's message is to tellthem it is not true.   Earth man, here American people realize there are manythings that they can learn from others.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Designer Babies Essay

My interest in designer babies was first sparked by a book I was required to read in high school, Brave New World. For my class I was required to do a little research on this book, and as I was searching the Internet I came across a website on designer babies. Although Brave New World is not a book about designer babies, the altering of human genes described in the book is a concept very similar to designer babies. The possibility of a society made up of genetically altered humans, such as the one in this book, is becoming very real with the help of advancements in technology. In vision one day you and your significant other are going to the doctor because you are planning to have a baby, but you are not going to the doctor for a check up. You are going to pick out the sex, characteristic traits, and physical features (eye color, hair color skin color, etc.) of your baby. Crazy right? To think, one day we will have the technology and resources to do this. Although this topic of †Å"designing your baby† is fairly new and the science has not been perfected, it is a very big possibility in our near future. The issue with this technology is whether it should be allowed or not. Parents always want the very best for their children, but my morals lead me to believe that parents should not be allowed to alter their children in this way. In this exploratory essay I hope to find solid and specific information to help me decide my stance on this question: Should parents be allowed to design what their children look like? In English 2000 we were introduced to online search engines that could be used to find information on our topics. The search engine I found the most handy was the EBCO Host website. This site lead me to many resourceful articles that truly helped me better understand the topic of designer babies. The first resource I came across is titled Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options? By Stephen L. Baird, technology education teacher at Bayside Middle School, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Baird describes how journalists are the ones who have coined the term â€Å"Designer Babies†. He goes onto to explain that this term is simply a shortened phrase that represents certain reproductive technologies that allow expecting parents to have more control on the birth outcomes of their child (15). Read Also:  Exploratory Essay Topics In vitro  fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) are two procedures of genetic engineering that are described through specific cases throughout this document. â€Å"Almost three decades ago, on July 25, 1978, Louise Brown, the first â€Å"test-tube baby† was born. The world’s first â€Å"test-tube† baby arrived amid a storm of protest and hand-wringing about science gone amok, human animal hybrids, and the rebirth of eugenics† (Baird 12). This â€Å"test-tube† case is the first case explained by Baird. The purpose for this example case is to describe how using the in vitro fertilization reproductive technique is not necessarily a bad thing. Although many voices of the public spoke against Brown, the â€Å"test-tube† baby, she was born as a completely normal human child. This is just one of the multiple cases that show the views and opinions of the public. Baird captures the various arguments against designer babies and arguments for designer babies. Some people share the opinion that there is nothing wrong with designer babies because they assist in preventing particular genetic diseases and reduce the emotional and financial burden for parents of children with these altered genetic diseases (Baird 15). On the other hand, certain people feel strongly against designer babies because creating â€Å"perfect† children could evolve into changes in the physical appearance of the children before they are even born (Baird 15). Baird’s document on designer babies was very informative in a way that helped me better understand the different sides of the argument on designer babies. I also felt as if this source gave me a better understanding on the basics of this topic such as the medical terms and procedures. Baird’s work could be very enlightening for individuals who do not have a complete understanding of what it means to be a designer baby. For example, before reading this I simply assumed designer babies were meant for physical alterations, and did not consider it to be beneficial to health alterations such as preventing genetic diseases. This paper did not hinder me to be for or against designer babies because I received equal information on both sides of the issue. My second source, Designing Babies: What the Future Holds, came from the same search engine as the previous article. This article was written by Dr.  Yury Verlinsky, graduate, postgraduate and PhD of Kharkov University. Verlinsky goes into detail about the different meanings the public has of designer babies. His definitions of designer babies include the sex of a child being chosen, testing embryos for unwanted disorders and diseases, or for cosmetic reasons (24). Verlinsky goes through the multiple views on the advantages and disadvantages of allowing parents to use the technology to create designer babies. One particular advantage of designer babies, pointed out by Verlinsky, that caught my attention was, â€Å"insurance companies, for example, may refuse to cover newborn malformations that could have been corrected before implantation† (25). This goes to show how people may be economically pressured into the technologies of designer babies. I found that this particular a rticle had a lot of the same factual information as the previous article. Certain ideas from the two articles stuck out in similar ways. Even some of the same phrases were repeated in both articles that I have come across. Although there were similarities, this article also brought some new ideas to my attention. The first article contained many real life cases while this article used many hypothetical possibilities. Some of the hypothetical possibilities were a little out of the box, but they really got me to think about the circumstances that the designer baby technology could lead to. Finally my third source, also coming from the same search engine, is A Brave New World of Designer Babies By Sonia Suter. This particular article goes in depth about the similarities and differences of the eugenics and neoeugenics movements. As stated by Suter, the eugenics movement can be explained as â€Å"the mission to reduce disease in the population, the efforts to protect the public fisc, and the goal of reducing suffering. What makes â€Å"eugenics† such a complex term is that its practitioners were well intentioned and it meant different things to different people† (900). Suter also explains the meaning of neoeugenics, â€Å"Neoeugenics strives towards â€Å"good birth† at the individual, rather than state level† (900). When Suter says at the individual level, he is referring to the fact that designing babies is an individual procedure that is a voluntary choice of the parent. In Suter’s mission to analyze the meaning of neoeugenics he brin gs us as far back to the times of eugenics brought about by Hitler. Hitler was responsible for a  mass genocide of individuals that did not fit his mold of the perfect human. In a way this is similar to the purpose of using gene alterations to make your designer baby. Suter describes how the main difference between eugenics and neoeugenics is the severity of the two (948). Suter states â€Å"neoeugenics appears less threatening than eugenics† (948). In the world we live in today we always want what is best for our offspring and ourselves. Suter explains, that those who disagree with designer babies could very possibly fall under the pressures of taking part in these sciences because they do not want their own children to be disadvantaged to the ones that chose to use these technological advances (965). I found that my final article gave me the most information about the perspectives people have on designer babies. Since the study of designer babies is fairly new, I like how this document uses something from the past to help me relate it to something. This article really went in depth about the positives and negatives of designer babies. Some people are certain that using designer baby technology can help prevent diseases, while others are absolutely opposed to it. These articles have tremendously improved my understanding of designer babies. I was not aware of how truly in depth this term goes. As of now, I would not say I have a solid stance on the question I proposed at the beginning of my essay; should parents be allowed to design their babies? There are just so many different things that this term means and many different sides of the argument. I do not believe that this is a straightforward yes or no question. This is a complex issue that I need to do more research on. At this point, I do not think there is a problem with parents wanting to protect their children and prevent diseases their child is susceptible to in the future, but to physically and characteristically alter a child based on how you want your child to look and act is something I still feel is not something humans should be able to control. Works Cited Baird, Stephen L. â€Å"Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged Or Consumer Options? (Cover Story).† Technology Teacher 66.7 (2007): 12-16. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Feb. 2014. Damiano, Laura. â€Å"When Parents Can Choose To Have The ‘Perfect’ Child: Why Fertility Clinics Should Be Required To Report Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Data.† Family Court Review 49.4 (2011): 846-859. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Feb. 2014. Schenker, Joseph G. Ethical Dilemmas In Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 6 Feb. 2014. Suter, Sonia M. â€Å"A Brave New World Of Designer Babies?.† Berkeley Technology Law Journal 22.2 (2007): 897-969. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Feb. 2014 Verlinsky, Yury. â€Å"Designing Babies: What The Future Holds.† Reproductive Biomedicine Online (Reproductive Healthcare Limited) 10.(2005): 24-26. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

In Phillip L. Reichel’s book Criminal Justice systems 6th edition Phillip Reichel uses the historical, political and descriptive approaches to compare criminal justice systems, although it is the institution and actors strategy that Lynch emphasizes. Legal systems and legal traditions have been studied and compared since the early 18th century. We will be discussing why criminal justice systems are studied and evaluating and comparing how the historical, political and descriptive approaches are used to study today’s criminal justice systems.In reference to why we study other justice systems although a society cannot replace their legal system completely with that of another country’s legal system it is important that we use comparative studies, as there are both provincial and universal benefits. Comparing how other criminal justice systems operate provides a point of contrast for a country’s own justice system also enabling them to analyse and to better u nderstand their legal system in order to help improve the way in which their system operates.As to the universal benefits comparative studies help nations to better understand differences and similarities in other nation’s justice systems to help them cooperate and work together to combat international crime. Although law enforcement agencies have worked together for centuries with the first extradition agreement between America and Great Britain being made in 1794. One may suggest that it is essential that criminal justice systems work more closely today than ever before as organised crime has developed more on an international scale. Countries can co-operate together on both a bilateral and multinational basis.The latter being where more than two countries work together for example the EU and the former being where two countries work together usually neighbours for example America and Canada. As with all three approaches the primary goal is to convey information. With the h istorical approach information studied is used to tell us what mistakes and successes have already occurred and what earlier experiences tell us about the present. Although perhaps the most important benefit gained from using the historical approach is how knowledge of the past prepare us for the future?As the criminal justice system and judiciary changes over time and by not having an understanding of the past one may suggest it would be difficult to prepare for the future. Over the years there have been many changes in criminal justice systems around the world and the historical approach has helped legal systems learn from past mistakes and successes in their penitentiary system’s, rehabilitation processes, judiciary, case law and other areas such as investigative techniques and the way in which we gather evidence.As mentioned some of the benefits of using an historical approach is how knowledge of the past can help prepare us for the future and what we can learn from our m istakes and successes. Improving conviction rates and decreasing wrongful convictions has always been a goal sought by criminal justice systems globally. The introduction of DNA had a huge impact on law enforcement agencies around the world and improved the way they investigated crimes, gathered evidence, prosecuted, solved crimes, decrease wrongful convictions and helped in exonerating people who had already been wrongfully convicted people.In 2002 the innocence project was set up in the United States and as of December 2011, 307 were exonerated of wrongful convictions by the use of DNA testing since 1989, 17 of whom had been sentenced to death. The first use of DNA was in England in Leicester when police asked Dr. Alec J. Jeffery’s in 1986 to help identify a suspect involved in two rape-murders. The tests actually cleared the original suspect and police then took several hundred DNA samples from males in the local area which led to Robert Melias being the first person being convicted with the use of DNA in 1987.After this case America began using DNA evidence and Tommy Lee Andrew was the first person to be convicted in the United States in November 1987 also for rape. Another example of the historical approach is Gustave de Beaumont’s and Alex de Tocquellive’s report of the American penitentiary structure in 1831 and 1832 and the French’s prison system. They criticised the French penitentiary system as it was costly to the treasury, was low on discipline and there was a high rate of inmates being sent back to prison.The American system however showed a profit as inmates were made to work during the day and there was a high level of discipline as inmates were kept in isolation at night. Having the system run this way not only showed a profit but also provided a low rate of recommittals. Gustave de Beaumont and Alex de Tocquellive’s compared the American penitentiary system with not only their own French system but also the p enitentiary system of Switzerland. Their report suggested ways to try and help their system by incorporating the American system and is an example of how we can learn from earlier mistakes and successes.As discussed one of the reasons we compare legal systems is in order for countries to work together to combat crime they must understand the differences and similarities in how their legal systems operate. Although for a country to work with another country it is also important to understand each other’s political system. The political approach is of importance when comparing legal systems as politics not only has an effect on a nation’s justice system but also effects interaction among nations.An example of how politics has effected both a nation’s justice system and interaction among nations is the case of Yvonne Fletcher. On the 17th April 1984 Yvonne Fletcher a Police officer was on duty during a protest outside the Libyan embassy. Without warning from one of the windows of the embassy gunfire was discharged at the protesters. Eleven people were injured including Fletcher who was fatally wounded after being hit in the stomach. Yvonne Fletcher died one hour later after being taken to Westminster hospital.The shooting resulted in MI5 being called and armed police surrounding the Libyan embassy for eleven days in one of the longest police sieges in London’s history. Britain at the time had diplomatic relations with Libra which meant they needed permission from the Libyan government to enter their embassy as under International law an embassy is a diplomatic premise. Although police were aware of this they still wanted to enter the Libyan embassy but at least needed authorization from the British prime minster, then Margaret Thatcher.As Margaret Thatcher was not in the country the responsibility was Douglas Herd’s then Home secretary to negotiate permission from the Libyan government to enter their embassy or to ignore Interna tional law and enter the embassy without their permission. The leader of the Libyan government then Gaddafi not only decided to not give consent to enter the Libyan embassy but declared that their embassy was under attack and in turn Libyan soldier’s surrounded the British embassy in Libya. With the risk to employees of the British embassy being harmed and diplomaticimmunity under International law the British government allowed the embassy staff to leave the building and escorted them to the airport to return to Libya. As a result of the embassy siege and Yvonne Fletcher the United Kingdom ended all diplomatic relations with Libya and in 1987 passed the diplomatic and consular premises act. The Diplomatic and consular premises act 1987 allows the UK government to determine which land is considered to be a diplomatic or consular premise and has been used once when the Cambodian embassy was occupied by squatters.Another example of how politics has effected a nation’s ju stice system is the war on Iraq. In 2003 George Bush declared war on Iraq and within a month America had declared victory. Although the American army had taken control there was widespread looting and riots and the need for a new police force was required. New York City’s former police commissioner Bernard Kerik was given the task to not only reform the police but to improve other areas such as: the border controls and customs.Bernard Kerik decided that the best way to do this was to retrain the Iraqi police force from everything from human rights to the use of fire arms. The training was out sourced to an American consulting firm called Dyn Corp International, this is an example of how a political system can influence a nation’s police force. Today there are 42,000 members of the Iraqi police all of which have completed the training provided by DynCorp International with more than 5,700 also completing specialized training from the Italian police and NATO.Although whe n comparing legal systems Lynch uses the historical and political approaches it is the descriptive approach and in particular the institution and actors strategy that Lynch emphasizes on for his book. In order for us to evaluate and compare each other’s legal system’s we first need to know how a system is supposed to operate. The descriptive approach gives as a description of how a country’s legal system is supposed to operate. It is by using the descriptive approach that we can compare similarities and differences between legal systems.The descriptive approach use’s two strategies the functions and procedures strategy and the institution and actors strategy. The main difference between the functions and procedures and institutions and actors strategy is that the institutions and actors strategy enables us to compare a large number of legal systems. It is because of this that Lynch emphasizes this strategy. The functions and procedures strategy can help u s group and compare countries based on their similarities as Lynch argues that all countries require that similar jobs be done or thou there may be more differences between the people doing the job then the jobs themselves.The functions and procedures strategy is not as helpful when comparing differences between legal systems. For example America, France and China have procedures for arrest and gathering evidence or trying to protect suspects against prolonged pre-trial detention. The functions and procedures strategy can be used to group such countries and compare similarities for example America, France and China all have time limits on how long a suspect should be held without charge. However when comparing a large number of legal systems on how they try to protect suspects against prolonged pre-trial detention we may find more differences.The institution’s and actors strategies approach helps us more when there are more differences between legal systems. For example when comparing how countries protect suspects against prolonged pre-trial detention. If there are a number of differences the institution and actors strategy compares systems based on their institutions such as their courts and corrections thus enabling to compare more countries and both similarities as well as more differences. The Historical, Political and Descriptive approaches each provide ways to compare criminal justice systems and each have their own benefits.The Historical approach tells us how knowledge of the past can help us prepare for the future and helps us learn from past mistakes and successes. The Political approach tells us how politics can affect a nation’s justice system as well as interaction among other nations. The descriptive approach (functions and procedures/institution and actors strategies) explains how a nation’s justice system is supposed to operate, the main components of a justice system and helps us compare a large number of different justic e systems.We compare legal systems not only for the provincial benefits but also to improve multinational cooperation to help combat international crime. Organized crime has increased over the years and criminals work more closely with criminals from other nations, as Thomas Friedman a New York columnist writes in his book â€Å"The world is flat†. Therefore it is equally important if not more important that criminal justice systems work together and understand each other’s legal systems and traditions.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Herbie Hancock essays

Herbie Hancock essays If not for the amazing reign of Miles Davis, pianist Herbie Hancock might qualify as jazz's most well-known, popular performer since the '60s. Hancock had 11 albums chart during the '70s and 17 between 1973 and 1984, including three in 1974, figures that puts him well ahead of any other jazz musician in the '70s and beyond. He's also among jazz's finest eclectics, having played everything from bebop to free, jazz-rock, fusion, funk, instrumental pop, dance, hip-hop and world fusion. Hancock's style, greatly influenced by Bill Evans, mixes introspective and energetic elements, and fuses blues and gospel influences with bebop and classical elements. He's both a great accompanist and excellent soloist, whose vocals, phrasing, melodic and interpretative skills and harmonic sounds were impressive early in his career, and remain sharp no matter what style or idiom he's working with. Herbie Hancock, born in 1940, began playing piano at his home in Chicago when he was seven years old. He gave his first public performance two years later, when he performed Mozart's D Major Piano Concerto with the Chicago Symphony when he was 11, and in high school he picked up an ear for jazz. He formed his own jazz ensemble while attending Hyde Park High School. He was influenced harmonically by the arrangements of Clare Fischer, who provided for The Hi-Los and Robert Farnon's orchestrations of pop songs. After he graduated from Grinnell College in Iowa, he moved to New York City and at age 20, hooked up with trumpeter Donald Byrd. Byrd introduced him to Blue Note Records executives, and Hancock recorded his first solo album in 1963, Taking Off, which included appearances by Freddie Hubbard and Dexter Gordon. This album contained Hancock's first Top 10 hit, Watermelon Man. Soon after, Hancock got the attention of the legendary Miles Davis, who invited Hancock to join his new group. While working with Miles, Hancock was introduced to ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Public relations process for Deltec Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public relations process for Deltec - Essay Example The CEO has asked for a range of services from our agency including the advice for a major labor issue faced by the company in the recent past. A detailed analysis was made in this regard to help Delstar to come up with same market share as that of its male athletic equipments. The following paragraphs will discuss the issue in detail to find a way out and help Delstar to survive and succeed in the market. Our agency, therefore, suggest a range of efforts to be performed by Delstar to compete with other firms in the industry and to become a threat for them in the years to come. The company has to conduct a couple of researches in this regard. To start with, our agency advices Delstar to conduct a market research so as to know the pulses of the target group. The first and foremost task in the effort of marketing any product /service is to know whether there are consumers for the desired product/service in the market. So knowing about the market is advisable before thinking about the product and its features. Once the consumers' taste and preferences are well understood, the company can start thinking seriously about the product design and development. Because, our agency believes firmly in 'Prevention is better than Cure' policy in marketing. Market Research is the process of gathering data relating to the consumers, competitor and the market and use of such data for decision making and actions. A market Research is indispensable for Delstar not only because it is going to introduce a novel product to a new target group, but the competition from industry icons such as Reebok, Nike, and Adidas is quite stiff. The target group for the new product, Basketball sneakers, has already been fixed by the company and it is female market. It is co mposed of both basket ball players and those who are fascinated by the style of basket ball sneakers and players. Market Research Method The process by which the data from target group are collected and analyzed is known as Market Research Method. Delstar is advised to conduct a Qualitative Market Research as it involves the study about the market feasibility of a new product, and a focused group. The focused group for the study, as already stated, consists of female basket ball players and female teenagers and women who are fascinated by the style of sneakers and basket ball players. Data are collected from the focused group by means of personal interview with them. In the basket ball players segment, female players are approached with an Interview Schedule to gather data. In the second group, a sample survey was conducted among teenagers and women who like basket ball sneakers for daily use for easy and comfortable walking. The players were asked mainly about their views on the sneakers presently available and their expectations about the one which is like to be launched in the market. An interview schedule is to be prepared with logically arranged questions on consumers' needs and aspirations about the product. In addition to the interview with focused group, a one-on-one in-depth interview with a renowned basketball trainer is also prescribed for the company since it is likely to generate more authentic and reliable information. The survey among the non-players female group is conducted using Random Sampling Method wherein the opinion of respondents are more likely to be

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Quest of the Golden Fleece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Quest of the Golden Fleece - Essay Example However, Pelias grew became fearful when the oracle told him that a stranger wearing only one sandal will be able to overthrow him as well. One day, Jason, the son of the king whom Pelias impeached did come along wearing only one sandal, and wanted to get back the throne which was rightfully his. Pelias pretends to conform but thought up of a way to get rid of Jason as well. He ordered Jason to find the Golden fleece. Despite the treacherous journey, Jason complied and after hurdling many challenges, successfully brought the golden fleece back to Greece. During the journey, Medea, King Etes’ daughter fell in love with Jason after she was struck with Cupid’s bow. Medea helps Jason and even arranged a plan to kill Pelias, thus making the oracle’s prophecy come true. Medea bore two of Jason’s sons but unfortunately, Jason fell in love with another woman. This angers Medea so much that she killed her two sons and Jason’s new wife before flying away on a magic chariot. The story of the â€Å"Quest of the Golden Fleece,† just like any Greek myth, is filled with themes of love, vengeance, and justice. In particular, the story puts great emphasis on the great evils that can come out of selfishness and jealousy. The characters in the story experienced so much pain and suffering because certain characters such as Athamas, Pelias, and Media needed to fulfill their own personal wishes. Although the actions that certain characters took went to extremes (such as murder), these scenes are not new to real life. The news is always filled with stories of how people kill each other just to claim their own goals, disregarding the conditions of their fellow humans. On a much more positive note, the story also puts attention to the great sacrifices that one can make for the people that they love. In the story, Nephele begged for Hermes to save the life of her children. Medea opted for

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Current Events and US Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Current Events and US Diplomacy - Essay Example   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the fact remained that the US military forces had already lost over 25000 American soldiers along with hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese. In spite of such efforts, the US could not come out as victorious. Antiwar forces within the US were most vocal against the US government for the deployment of the US forces in Vietnam War. In such circumstances, Nixon assured US allies to honor treaty commitments (History.com, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the behest of Nixon Doctrine, it became amply clear that now South Vietnamese troops would have to fight on their own as the process of withdrawing American troops began after formal announcement. In keeping with this pronouncement, the US and North Vietnam signed a peace treaty in 1973 and it appeared that permanent peace will prevail in the area. However, two years later, in 1975, North Vietnamese forces demolished the South Vietnamese army bringing the who le country under communist rule (History.com, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is important to note that though the Communist Party ruled the Vietnam since 1975 yet the country moved from planned economy to a market economy in the '80s. In recent years, the US relations with Vietnam have improved significantly. However, several incidents are responsible for that. In 1991, Soviet Union collapsed and disintegrated into several independent states. Also, East Germany merged into West Germany to accelerate economic growth based on the free market trade systems. It is important to note that Vietnam and the US tend to develop a free trade agreement between them. and they have already entered into an investment and trade agreement besides signing air transport, textile and maritime agreements. The US imports a variety of goods from Vietnam such as footwear, apparel, furniture, seafood, agricultural products; similarly, it exports machinery products, vehicles, yarn and fabri c. Thus, relations

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Spinach Contamination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Spinach Contamination - Essay Example This achieved by using strong rationality and sensibility in making of decisions. Should be attentive to the problem and collect information from several sources, reasonable in making decisions by applying ethical values and appropriate legal principles in alleviating the contamination problem. Moreover, should be intelligent and responsible in the decisions. Facts on resolving this problem are that the health of consumers is at stake. Also, the people’s perception that not all bagged foods need to be cooked under high heat is false. It is assumed that people will continue to consume the fresh spinach as before. The problem to be resolved is that to eradicate the main source of bagged fresh spinach cause E. Coli bacterium. Search narrows; Response to new information makes it easier to presume that the sink for E. coli bacterium is found in Greens garden. This is evidenced by the data shown by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State of California to isolate the cause of the break. I would take samples of the spinach for testing and quarantine the remaining crops. Actions to take regarding the spinach products like spinach with dairy products and whole leaf packaged spinach marketed through Tossed Fresh is that all to be withdrawn from the market, isolated and tested. If confirmed that they harbor E. coli they are incinerated. This shows how I fell responsible for this problem and make decisions that are good for everyone. Actions taken with regard to other crops produced is that all will undergo scrutiny for the presence of E. coli inoculums and other disease-causing pathogens. After which they would seek clearance from the US food testing agency to be declared fit for consumption. Seeking of extensive information on proper methods of controlling the spread of E. Coli from reliable sources thus justifies my extensive corrective actions.